glibc-bugs archive
author index for September, 2008

This is the mail archive of the mailing list for the glibc project.

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anders dot lennartsson at foi dot se

andre dot goddard at gmail dot com

aurelien at aurel32 dot net

bagnara at cs dot unipr dot it

bdonlan at gmail dot com

bruno at clisp dot org

claude at 2xlibre dot net

cseo at linux dot vnet dot ibm dot com

doko at debian dot org

drepper at redhat dot com

eberlein at us dot ibm dot com

fabrice dot bauzac at wanadoo dot fr


jakub at redhat dot com

jdemeyer at cage dot ugent dot be

jidanni at jidanni dot org

lethalman88 at gmail dot com

mtk dot manpages at gmail dot com

oliver at linux-kernel dot at

pvuorela at gmail dot com

rep dot dot dot nop at gmail dot com

roland at gnu dot org

rsa at us dot ibm dot com

siward at wanadoo dot nl

spcurry5 at linux dot vnet dot ibm dot com

tcl_de at gmx dot net

tschwinge at gnu dot org

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