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Re: gdb 8.3.1 truncated register in remote g packet


On 11/1/19 6:05 PM, Reinoud Koornstra wrote:
Hi Luis,
The remote platform is arm32. Weirdly enough, when I use a gdb 7.7 compiled only for x86_64, it does seem to work a bit better, no clue exactly why.

I'm not sure why an arm-targeted gdb would not complain about loading a x86-target vmlinux image. That sounds off.

You could try with an older arm gdb to see if it works fine. If it does and the latest version doesn't, then we may need to investigate it.

I checked the code and the truncation message is a result of the debugging stub sending less bytes than GDB expects for the register set.

Just to confirm, does your arm target have floating point registers?

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