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Re: MI3 and async notifications

> > Jonah, I was about to ask the same. I understand that you need to know
> > which breakpoint has been inserted by given command, but this
> > if we respond with something like
> >
> > 1-break-insert main
> > =breakpoint-created,bkpt={number="1",type=...}
> > 1^done,bkpt-number=1
> >
> > then you just search for breakpoint with that id, no? Given that MI
> > guarantees that =breakpoint-created arrives before ^done reply to command.
> > Am I missing something?
> >
> No you aren't missing anything. That would be a perfectly acceptable
> solution for CDT.
> There would still be some other new logic needed for CDT, we would
> still have to store all the =breakpoint-created if there is a
> -break-insert active and then process all of them when the ^done is
> received. However that seems fairly reasonable.

Do we even need the bkpt-number=1 attribute in the "done" command?
The notification includes that information, so the GUI should have
enough info from there to determine which UI element to update, right?


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