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Re: Stop updating ChangeLog?

> > SUMMARY : ChangeLog is part of the quality statement for a given
> >           production release

I do not agree with that statement if made in a general context.
As you can see from Simon's answer, the notion of ChangeLog is
not universal, and the purpose they serve can change between
project, and therefore not serve the goal you are looking for.

Whether a project is beta or not is something the project will
tell you. A list of changes cannot tell you that. At best,
it can tell you how active the project is or not.

> > I see work happening all the
> > time inside the Curl/libCurl project and Daniel Stenberg is quite active
> > and reasonable about checking with people on the state of bugs before a
> > move to a "release" or a "stable" version dropped on the world.

Considering that this is mostly standard practice, I don't understand
the point your are trying to make.

The GDB contributors work together with the release manager to ensure
that we create high quality releases. ChangeLogs have nothing to do
with that process.

> > Remove the ChangeLog from the "production" grade "release" and
> > I would ask what do you replace that information with?

It depends what users are looking for: If they are interested in
the list of changes, they clone the git repository, and access it
from there. If they are wondering whether a bug if fixed or not,
then they can look at the bugzilla database first. If no information
is found there, then just try the latest.


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