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-var-create outside of a suspended context

I am hoping to get some feedback for a couple feature enhancements to gdb I am proposing to my colleagues.

The first enhancement is making the MI command -var-create usable outside of a suspended context for local variables and function arguments by identifying where these expressions exist.  This would be similar to my colleague David Taylor's proposed changes to ptype, whatis, and macro expand, which adds the -at <location> flag.

The second enhancement is when creating a variable object on a function, to make the arguments to a function children of the created variable object.  

My motivation here is two-fold: Through the MI interface, examine a structure to calculate its 0x00-based offset and resolve the functions arguments in order to create in-memory objects that may be referenced when executing a function call.  Hopefully other uses may be found, making it a more attractive addition to gdb.


Stephen Flynn

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