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Can gdbmi process many commands at once?


I'm trying to determine if GDB/MI has the capability of accepting and
working on multiple commands at once?

For instance, if I run these commands,
    123-interpreter-exec console "p argc"
    ~"$3 = 1"
    234-interpreter-exec console "p argv[1]"
    ~"$4 = 0x0\n"

Is there any mode in which the command,
    234-interpreter-exec console "p argv[1]"
will be worked on before
    123-interpreter-exec console "p argc"
is finished?

The implication is that i'm expecting to have at most 1 command active
with GDB at a time. I'm curious if there is a situation where a front
end could have many active commands at a time. By active I mean, 
I issue several commands, and then some time later, I get a response
on each of these, in any order.

Bob Rossi

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