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Performance issue of -var-list-children on structs with many members and remote targets

This mail is about a proposal for improving GDB/GDBServer speed for -var-list-children on large structs.

I have the following performance issue: Using Eclipse/CDT, expanding a large structs (roughly 1000 members) on an embedded target (target extended-remote) to inspect the members of a struct takes about 15 seconds on a not that out-dated Windows PC.

According to my investigation, the major amount of this time is spent exchanging data between GDB and our own GDBServer implementation (which btw. also runs on the same PC, not on the embedded system). Assume we have the following code:

struct S {
    double a, b, c;
} g_s;

int main() {
    return 0;

When expanding g_s in Eclipse/Luna the following happens with gdb/master (Aug 4 2014) on Ubuntu 14.04/64:

499,882 37-var-list-children var2
499,882 37^done,numchild="1",children=[child={name="var2.public",exp="public",numchild="3"}],has_mor\
499,882 (gdb)
499,883 38-var-list-children var2.public
499,884 &"Sending packet: $m601050,8#fd..."
499,884 &"Packet received: 0000000000000000\n"
499,884 &"Sending packet: $m601058,8#05..."
499,884 &"Packet received: 0000000000000000\n"
499,884 &"Sending packet: $m601060,8#fe..."
499,884 &"Packet received: 0000000000000000\n"
499,884 38^done,numchild="3",children=[child={name="var2.public.a",exp="a",numchild="0",type="double\
499,884 (gdb)
499,885 39-var-info-path-expression var2.public.a
499,885 40-var-info-path-expression var2.public.b
499,885 41-var-info-path-expression var2.public.c
499,885 39^done,path_expr="((g_s).a)"
499,885 (gdb)
499,886 40^done,path_expr="((g_s).b)"
499,886 (gdb)
499,886 41^done,path_expr="((g_s).c)"
499,886 (gdb)
499,892 42-var-evaluate-expression var2.public.a
499,893 42^done,value="0"
499,893 (gdb)

Projecting these traces back to my large-scale example with about 1000 members in 'struct S', it's the following part that consumes the major amount of time (measured using "Process monitor"'s activity feature which clearly shows high network traffic and CPU consumption of both, GDB and our GDBServer processes during roughly 10 seconds):

499,883 38-var-list-children var2.public
499,884 &"Sending packet: $m601050,8#fd..."
499,884 &"Packet received: 0000000000000000\n"
499,884 &"Sending packet: $m601058,8#05..."
499,884 &"Packet received: 0000000000000000\n"
499,884 &"Sending packet: $m601060,8#fe..."
499,884 &"Packet received: 0000000000000000\n"

Now my simple question: Couldn't GDB be tweaked to get the struct member values by just one call (because members within a struct are guaranteed to be consecutive, aren't they?):

499,883 38-var-list-children var2.public
499,884 &"Sending packet: $m601050,24#??"

I guess this would dramatically increase overall performance.

I would really like to see such an improvement in GDB. Therefore, I'd be very happy to hear your thoughts and suggestion. Thinks like: What problems (e.g. border cases) could arise when implementing this? Where to start in the GDB code for such a modification? Or do there exist any GDB switches to improve performance on such operations? etc...

Thanks a lot!

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