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Re: Thread names in gdb7.7(using info threads command)


This is my first email to the mailing list. Apologize if this is not
the right place to send this kind of request.

I am trying to see thread names in gdb. Thread names are  defined with

  prctl (PR_SET_NAME, "Mythread2", 0, 0, 0); //MyThread2 is my thread name

inside my thread.

My problem is.

I have an application which spawns 2 threads and one of the thread
will execute an illegal memory access and exit with 'segmentation
fault' and then generated a core file.

 I am able to see the thread name from gdb7.7 which comes pre
installed with my ubuntu 14.04 when I   run the application from gdb(
I put a break point just before the segmentation fault and saw the
thread names with info thread command).. But I am not able to see

the thread name after the application generates a core dump when I
load core file using core-file command.


I would like to understand how I can see the thread names when from
the core file generated by the application

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