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Re: git is live

> Created a fresh clone from scratch:
>   $ mkdir binutils-gdb
>   $ cd binutils-gdb
>   $ git clone ssh:// src
> Then I went back to my old git repo checkout, and added a
> remote pointing to the new local checkout:
>   $ cd ../../my-old-git-repos-checkout-dir/src
>   $ git remote add binutils-gdb /local/path/to/fresh/binutils-gdb/src
>   $ git fetch binutils-gdb
> Now the same "does the new remote share commits/ancentry"
> process ended in seconds, because it was all local, and git
> started fetching the new repo/remote in a matter of seconds.
> So now I did:
>   $ git remote set-url binutils-gdb ssh://
> to reset the remote url back to the real remote url, rather than
> the temporary clone directory.
> Voila.  Then I did:
>   $ git fetch binutils-gdb
> once more, and that worked as expected.
> From there on, I've just been switching to by local
> branches that were based on the old git mirror, and rebased
> them on top of binutils-gdb/master.

I got this far with no problems (thanks!), but my old branches don't
seem to have any common commits with the new binutils-gdb/master. Are
you doing the rebase with an explicit merge-base (e.g., "git branch
new-branch binutils-gdb/master;  git rebase --onto new-branch
old-master old-branch")? Or should "git rebase binutils-gdb/master
old-branch" work? (I'm hesitant to try that.)


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