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Re: Gdb online docs error?

> It looks like a bug in the HTML generation program (makeinfo). I took
> a quick look, and it could be something to do with a confusion in
> the handling of keys that have spaces in them.  But the problem is
> that the generated HTML is not straightforward, and I'm not a big
> specialist either. I had already installed the latest version,
> so the only upgrade possible would to be use a snapshot, which
> I am not keen on doing.

Unsurprisingly, we are not the only ones to hit that problem:

The message indicates that GNU texinfo plans to transition to
texi2html. But there has been no release of GNU texinfo that
includes it (last release that I can find appears to be 4.13a
published Sep 2008). There is a release of texi2html (5.0),
that looks like it was published in July 2010. Perhaps we can
try that.


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