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Re: GIT and CVS

   >    To name those usually not present on the system:
   >    flex bison expat-devel zlib-devel python-devel texinfo
   > Only required when having modified files that are used as input for
   > generation, I tend to make a tarball with freshly regenerated files
   > and push that to the host I wish to test.  So no need for any of that
   > on the build platform.

   With GIT it is easier to use directly the repository.

git doesn't store timestamps, which requires often regeneration of
files for no particular reason. :( cvs is stilly quite silly there

But I'm (atleast) not arguing for or against git, I frankly don't care
as long as emacs works.  I was only interested in how git as a tool
replaceses the need for commit messages (ChangeLog); which isn't the
case at all.  I use git on a daily basis, but I don't find it easier
to use than say cvs, bzr, svn or anything else.

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