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Re: [PATCH] arm reversible : <phase_2_complete>

>>>>> "Petr" == Petr HluzÃn <> writes:

Petr> I also recommend to define a local variable in the smalles scope
Petr> possible, however I understand that many
Petr> programmers use weak tools and knowing its definition requires more
Petr> effort than placing cursor on the variable - therefore they prefer
Petr> definitions at the start of function.

I agree, using the smallest scope is generally preferable.
This practice makes it simpler to reason about the code.

Petr> My IDE has a spellchecker which underlines typos. No effort required.
Petr> (Consider upgrading your tools.)

I'm curious to know what IDE you use for working on GDB.

For those using Emacs, M-x flyspell-prog-mode will spell-check in
comments and strings.

Petr> Also I have no vote in GDB development, so my patch approval would
Petr> have little impact.

I appreciate thoughtful reviews from anyone, regardless of their
official status.  I think GDB patches still spend too much time waiting
for review, and this sort of thing can help speed things up.

Petr> GDB commiters: please reply whether you agree with my review. (So that
Petr> paawan oza does not spend effort in vain.)

I thought it was quite good.  Thanks for doing this.


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