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Re: Enable Support for Dwarf 1, with Gnu Extension

On Tue, 2008-06-10 at 13:37 +0000, Salvatore Lionetti wrote:
> Hi,
> Many thanks!
> I've just compiled gdb 6.6, with insight, and see symbol but some time got:
> ptype a
> <incomplete type>
> or gdb seem to have difficult in determine next address (so put breakpoint in wrong place so program many time go running...)
> Have you ever heard about a fix on this?
> Some link to have info?

Only guessing, but you might try "gdb --readnow" to force all 
the debugging info to be scanned at the start.  Might at least
resolve the incomplete types.

> (ok: is much simpler work with dwarf2, but seem we have pb with C++ binding of newer version of diab)

That's unfortunate, since dwarf1 is quite old and unsupported.

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