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RE: GDB solib interface

You say below that if you dll:dll is returned, GDB should query the
target for the state of the dlls.  Does this mean that GDB would
"forget" the dll information that it received previously and then
reissue the qfDllInfo/qsDllInfo queries?

The text you wrote:

Reporting DLL events

The `T' stop packet response is extended to take three additional
N:R pairs.  When any of these are encountered, the stopped thread
is assumed to be at a DLL event.  The signal should be SIGTRAP.
There may be multiple load and unload events in the stop packet.


    A new DLL has been loaded; it is described in the stop packet.

    If "nop" is specified, this DLL was already loaded, e.g. by
    an earlier call to dlopen.


    A DLL has been unloaded.  A single identifier is provided to
    uniquely identify which DLL has been unloaded.  Depending
    on the target, this may be the text or data address; the name
    can be used, but may not be unambiguous.

    If "nop" is specified, this DLL was not unloaded, e.g. because
    another thread still had a handle to it.


    Multiple DLL events have occured.  GDB should query the target for
    current state of DLLs.

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