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Re: MI fine-grained versioning

 > > How about adding new MI command that returnes list of supported
 > > fine-grained features.  For example:
 > > 
 > > 	-list-features
 > > 	^done,result=["frozen_variables","info_path_expression"]
 > > 
 > > The MI manual would contain a section listing all feature names and
 > > briefly documenting them.
 > Great idea!
 > There are a few gothcha's. For instance, each command can support
 > several parameters, so you might want to report on that. But more
 > tricky, is when a command adds an output field that the front end cares
 > about.

In the manual we already explain that front ends should be able to handle
extra fields in MI output.  The front end would need to do this just
to handle -list-features.

 >         An example of this would be that the -break-list command has
 > always existed, but the -break-list command added fullpath functionality
 > later on it it's life. How would you handle this, if at all?

Clearly it can't be retrospective.  I think it's a good idea and would be
more convenient than bumping the level for small changes.


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