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ping: two proposals about frame unwind in RS6K, specifically in Linux

I ever posted two proposals about frame unwind in RS6000. The first one is at:

which don't skip the prologue when the instruction is bl and the target is blrl. I coded a patch based on Joel's initial patch and also take Daniel's comment into consideration. It can fix my problems. The original post also said that it brought some modification to the test result of gdb's testsuite. My latest investigation shows that there is no regression. So I believe this proposal is ok principally.

The second one is at:

which propose to assume the underlying program will comply to the ABI when there is no cfi directive, prologue analysis won't find any prologue instructions and current context doesn't not belong to any special cases which won't comply to ABI. I coded a proof-of-concept patch, which can fix my problem in quite some case and don't bring much problem. So I also think that this is feasible.

Anyone would like to take a look at these? If there are any errors, please feel free to correct and educate me. Thanks a lot!

- Wu Zhou

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