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Re: [RFC] multiple breakpoints from FILE:LINE

> We have discussed this issue many times in the past, as recently as two
> weeks ago.  In the beginning of 2005 I posted a prototype patch to set
> only a single breakpoint, but associate it with multiple locations.  I
> still firmly believe that that is the correct solution.  However, the
> patch was never finished.

[The patch Daniel refers to here, by the way, is]

What led you to conclude that you wouldn't need the ability to set (or
delete) only SOME breakpoints corresponding to a given location (i.e.,
some number greater than, say, 2 and less than all)?  I can see one possible
reason: since the 'command' and 'condition' commands do not take 
BP ranges, it is difficult to apply them to lots of breakpoints.  On the
other hand, one could extend these commands to allow a range of breakpoints
rather than a single breakpoint.  But then on the third hand (first foot?),
the implementation would require some annoying manipulations to avoid
double freeing (of expressions or command sequences) or other atrocities.

> Those menus have got to go.  They're (a) confusing to users (in my
> opinion, no real data), and (b) extremely awkward for graphical
> frontends.

Interesting.  As I said, in Ada, the multi-line feature is much more
important than in C.  AdaCore's version has been around for years, and
has simply created multiple breakpoints (controlled by menu, as for
overloading).  We haven't gotten loud calls for doing things
differently (well, point (b) has caused internal gripes), but perhaps I
should do some polling for soft grumbling from users.

Paul Hilfinger

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