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Re: Orphans to adopt?

[Sorry for breaking any threading. Thunderbird stupidly doesn't allow me to reply to posts in digests.]

Subject: Orphans to adopt? From: Stan Shebs <> Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 12:02:15 -0700 To:


After a month of distraction, I'm back on the Darwin GDB case, and for regression testing purposes it would be convenient to set up a random embedded target with a simulator. To make the fiddling do double duty, it occurs to me that I could adopt a target that is being neglected, although a cursory scan suggests that all adoptable targets are taken now. Does anybody have suggestions for a target in need of a little tenderness and cuddling? (hmm, sounds creepy that way :-) )

Well, I don't know if this would work for your purposes, but the AVR target could use some help. It's about as embedded as you can get. Forgive me if I don't know the correct terminology. There are 2 external simulators available for the AVR, both work with GDB and both are incomplete. What is desperately needed is a simulator that is "integrated" (?) with GDB (just like all the other, normal simulators) and is robust enough to run the GCC test suite. This would have an enormous impact on the ability of the AVR target in GCC to stay up to date and to test new improvements in that port that are trying to get online.

[ Please CC me in any replies.]

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