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Re: Remote thread infos

>>The remote protocol can ask for thread info and more info (qThreadExtraInfo).
>>I couldn't find an explicit description about these fields in the manual.
>>However in the source code these fields are evaluated as follows:
>>sprintf(&display_buf[n], " State: %s,", threadinfo.display);
>>sprintf(&display_buf[n], " Priority: %s", threadinfo.more_display);
>>It's quite impossible to use these fields for other info as they are explicitely
>>prepended with "State" and "Priority". But the manual says: "... may
>>contain anything that the target OS thinks is interesting for gdb to tell
>>the user about the thread."
>Hmm, yes.  I think they have something to do with eCos?

Don't know, I have never worked with eCos.

>>Is there a possibility to use these texts
>>from the CLI as well as MI without the prepended strings? If not
>>shouldn't the manual say what these texts are for?
>Would KOD be useful?  Or a more descriptive packet?

Sorry, what means KOD?

>>I know that I can take the strings and remove the leading word, I
>>just thought I mention this inconsistency with the manual.

bye  Fabi

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