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Re: [patch/rfc] How to handle stepping into an unresolved plt entry?

On hppa, I noticed that when I do a "step" over an indirect function
call, gdb does not stop inside the called function.  I've traced the
problem down to the following:

An indirect function call on hppa goes through a stub ($$dyncall).
$$dyncall loads a PLABEL from the PLT and jumps to it. In the case that
the PLT is not yet resolved, we need to do the normal PLT fixup () in the loader before calling the function.

What seems to be happening now is that when a "step" happens at the
indirect function call, we step into the $$dyncall stub, and in
infrun.c, we do a SKIP_TRAMPOLINE_CODE. This resolves into a pc that
points at the fixup routine. Next, in handle_inferior_event (), we try
to lookup the file/line information for this target pc; it's not found,
and so gdb just goes ahead and insert a breakpoint at the return address
of the stub (which is in the caller) and then calls keep_going ().
If we do a step on a second invocation of the indirect function call, it
works correctly; SKIP_TRAMPOLINE_CODE resolves to an address that points
to the target function, so the file/line lookup works and we insert a
breakpoint in the right place.

Hmm, should gdb put a greater reliance on SKIP_TRAMPOLINE_CODE. Something like a new separate clause:

  if (we've stepped into a function
      && we're not stopping in this sort of code
      && skip trampoline returns something)
    run to skip trampoline breakpoint, possibly doing a step into function

What is actually supposed to happen in this case? The documentation says:

I think these should be generic attributes of the frame, as you note, there are already too many special cases.


If the target machine has trampoline code that sits between callers and
the functions being called, then define this macro to return a new PC
that is at the start of the real function.

But how do you do this if your target address is not yet resolved? The
attached patch gives a workaround for this problem (also needs a small
fix to the target code), but it seems a bit clumsy to me.... it's not
like handle_inferior_event () needs any more special cases... :-(

Comments? Suggestions?

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