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RE: gdb bus error(core dump), from linking in a library

Problem solved! After a number of headache's, I got a newer version of gdb
built(6.0.90_20040317) I had been using the 6.0 release.

This version now debugs the app like a champ. So someone must of fixed
something. I thank them! For those interested...

  What computer and operating system are you using?
Solaris 9, Ultra 60
  What compiler are you using to compile 'fun'?
  What version of the compiler are you using?
gcc 3.3.2
  What command line switches do you use to compile your program?
gcc -c -g ba1_main.c
  What command line switches do you use to link your program?
gcc -g -L/home/gschoep/pkgl/lib -o ba1 ba1_main.o -Bstatic -lpkgl

It was the "-lpkgl" that was causing the issue. I can't really send out the
library because its a licensed product.

Thanks for all your time.

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