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Variables in gdbarch

Hi All,

I was trying to port GDB to a new target, and it seems,
almost entirely all the work would be filling up the
gdbarch structure for the new target.

I was trying to understand all the variables and
function pointers in the structure. I started with the
variables, unfortunately, the Internals Document does
not seem to explain all those variables and function
pointers and their significance.

I did figure out significance of many of the variables,
but I am stuck up with some. Probably, some of you could
go through the list and help me understand them. And we
could build this list and add that to the documentation
so that others do not have to duplicate my efforts when
porting for some new targets.

These are some of the ones, I haven't figured out still:

6.		  nr_data	 unsigned
26.		  npc_regnum	 int
31.		deprecated_use_generic_dummy_frames	 int
33.		 call_dummy_location	 int
34.		deprecated_call_dummy_start_offset	 CORE_ADDR
35.		deprecated_call_dummy_breakpoint_offset	 CORE_ADDR
36.		deprecated_call_dummy_length	 int
37.		deprecated_call_dummy_words	 LONGEST *
38.		deprecated_sizeof_call_dummy_words	 int
39.		deprecated_call_dummy_stack_adjust	 int
41.		Believe_pcc_promotion	 int
42.		Believe_pcc_promotion_type	 int
51.		Cannot_step_breakpoint	 int
52.		have_nonsteppable_watchpoint	 int

Also, are the significances of those I gathered correct?
I would move on to the function pointers once this is
finished and wrapped up.

Any help would be highly appreciated. :-)

Thanks and Regards,


No.	       Variable Name	 Type	
1.		 initialized_p	 int	
Has the target been initialized fully.

2.		 bfd_arch_info	const struct bfd_arch_info *	
Architecture info from BFD for the target.

3.		 byte_order	 int	
Byte order of the target.

4.		  gdb_osabi osabi	 enum
The OSABI used for the target.

5.		 tdep	struct gdbarch_tdep *	
This should be defined if required in the arch-tdep.c/h file.
It should contain any target dependent variables, which are
not covered by the generic variables already defined.

6.		  nr_data	 unsigned

7.		  data	 void **	
Data pointer locations.

8.		  Swap	struct gdbarch_swap *
Swap structure, generally not set by any of the architectures.

9.		 short_bit	 int	
The number of bits in a 'short' data type on the target.

10.		  int_bit 	 int	
The number of bits in a 'int' data type on the target.

11.		  long_bit	 int	
The number of bits in a 'long_bit' data type on the target.

12.		  long_long_bit	 int	
The number of bits in a 'long_long' data type on the target.

13.		  float_bit	 int
The number of bits in a 'float' data type on the target.

14.		 double_bits	 int
The number of bits in a 'double' data type on the target.

15.		 long_double_bit	 int
The number of bits in a 'long_double' data type on the target.

16.		  ptr_bit	 int
The number of bits in a 'pointer' data type on the target.

17.		  addr_bit	 int	
The number of bits in a 'address' on the target.

18.		  bfd_vma_bit	 int	
Generally not required to be defined for any target.
Default value is 8 * sizeof (void *).

19.		  char_signed	 int
Whether the sign bit should be zero/one for a signed character.

20.		  num_regs	 int
The number of regs in the target.

21.		 num_pseudo_regs	 int
The number of pseudo registers in the target.

22.		  sp_regnum	 int
The register number of the 'Stack Pointer' if it is not separate.

23.		  pc_regnum	 int	
The register number of 'Program Counter'.

24.		  ps_regnum	 int	
The register number of 'Processor Status Register'.

25.		  fp0_regnum	 int
The register number of the first floating point register.

26.		  npc_regnum	 int

27.		deprecated_register_bytes	 int
The total size in bytes of all the registers in the target.

28.		deprecated_max_register_raw_size	 int
The maximum raw size in bytes of any register on the target.

29.		deprecated_max_register_virtual_size	 int
The maximum virtual size in bytes of any register on the
target. Generally, this should be equal to

30.		deprecated_fp_regnum	 int
The register number of the 'Frame Pointer'.

31.		deprecated_use_generic_dummy_frames	 int	

32.		 deprecated_register_size	 int
Default register size on the target architecture in bytes.

33.		 call_dummy_location	 int

34.		deprecated_call_dummy_start_offset	 CORE_ADDR

35.		deprecated_call_dummy_breakpoint_offset	 CORE_ADDR

36.		deprecated_call_dummy_length	 int

37.		deprecated_call_dummy_words	 LONGEST *

38.		deprecated_sizeof_call_dummy_words	 int

39.		deprecated_call_dummy_stack_adjust	 int

40.		deprecated_extra_stack_alignment_needed	 int
Whether any kind of stack alignment is needed by the target.

41.		believe_pcc_promotion	 int

42.		believe_pcc_promotion_type	 int

43.		decr_pc_after_break	 CORE_ADDR
Amount PC must be decremented by after a breakpoint. 
This is often the number of bytes returned by BREAKPOINT_FROM_PC
but not always.

44.		function_start_offset	 CORE_ADDR
Offset from address of function to start of its code.
Zero on most machines.

45.		frame_args_skip	 CORE_ADDR
This value is almost never non-zero.

46.		parm_boundary	 int
Almost never set for any target except m68k.

47.		float_format	const struct floatformat *
A floatformat pointer describing attributes of a 'float'
data type on the target.

48.		double_format	const struct floatformat *
A floatformat pointer describing attributes of a 'double'
data type on the target.

49.		long_double_format	const struct floatformat *
A floatformat pointer describing attributes of a 'long_double'
data type on the target.

50.		name_of_malloc	const char *
Whether malloc is called using some other name, such as _malloc.
This variable is used only by i386-interix at present.

51.		cannot_step_breakpoint	 int

52.		have_nonsteppable_watchpoint	 int

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