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Re: MIPS o32 ABI spec, $fp1 valid?

Andrew Cagney <> writes:
>Does the o32 ABI specify how to spill a loating point register (a spill 
>is different to a double store of a parameter as a spilt register is 
>recovered by the unwind code.  mdebug might, for instance, specify 

No, mdebug says nothing about how spills are done (it says nothing
about how exactly float/double are stored, AFAICT).

The hardware requires mentioning the odd regs to get the entire
64 bits stored.  In MIPS1.

Here is some mips1 o32 disassembly output, IRIX, so big-endian:
double x1(double d)
        double d2 = d + 3.0;
        d2 += x2(5.0);
        return d2/4.5;

[  11] 0x  48:  3c 1c 00 00    lui $gp,0
[  11] 0x  4c:  27 9c 00 00    addiu $gp,$gp,0
[  11] 0x  50:  03 99 e0 21    addu $gp,$gp,$25
[  11] 0x  54:  27 bd ff c8    addiu $sp,$sp,-56
[  11] 0x  58:  e7 ad 00 38    swc1 $f13,56($sp)
[  11] 0x  5c:  e7 ac 00 3c    swc1 $f12,60($sp)
[  12] 0x  60:  3c 01 40 08    lui $1,16392
[  12] 0x  64:  44 81 38 00    mtc1 $1,$f7
[  12] 0x  68:  c7 a4 00 3c    lwc1 $f4,60($sp)
[  12] 0x  6c:  c7 a5 00 38    lwc1 $f5,56($sp)
[  12] 0x  70:  44 80 30 00    mtc1 $0,$f6
[  13] 0x  74:  8f 99 00 00    lw $25,0($gp)
[  12] 0x  78:  46 26 22 00    add.d $f8,$f4,$f6
[  13] 0x  7c:  3c 01 40 14    lui $1,16404
[  11] 0x  80:  af bf 00 24    sw $31,36($sp)
[  13] 0x  84:  44 81 68 00    mtc1 $1,$f13
[  13] 0x  88:  44 80 60 00    mtc1 $0,$f12
[  11] 0x  8c:  af bc 00 20    sw $gp,32($sp)
[  11] 0x  90:  e7 b5 00 18    swc1 $f21,24($sp)
[  11] 0x  94:  e7 b4 00 1c    swc1 $f20,28($sp)
[  12] 0x  98:  e7 a8 00 34    swc1 $f8,52($sp)
[  13] 0x  9c:  03 20 f8 09    jalr $25
[  12] 0x  a0:  e7 a9 00 30    swc1 $f9,48($sp)
[  13] 0x  a4:  c7 ab 00 30    lwc1 $f11,48($sp)
[  13] 0x  a8:  c7 aa 00 34    lwc1 $f10,52($sp)
[  13] 0x  ac:  46 20 05 06    mov.d $f20,$f0
[  13] 0x  b0:  46 34 54 00    add.d $f16,$f10,$f20
[  14] 0x  b4:  3c 01 40 12    lui $1,16402
[  14] 0x  b8:  44 81 98 00    mtc1 $1,$f19
[  14] 0x  bc:  44 80 90 00    mtc1 $0,$f18
[  14] 0x  c0:  8f bf 00 24    lw $31,36($sp)
[  13] 0x  c4:  e7 b0 00 34    swc1 $f16,52($sp)
[  13] 0x  c8:  e7 b1 00 30    swc1 $f17,48($sp)
[  13] 0x  cc:  8f bc 00 20    lw $gp,32($sp)
[  14] 0x  d0:  c7 b4 00 1c    lwc1 $f20,28($sp)
[  14] 0x  d4:  c7 b5 00 18    lwc1 $f21,24($sp)
[  14] 0x  d8:  27 bd 00 38    addiu $sp,$sp,56
[  14] 0x  dc:  03 e0 00 08    jr $31
[  14] 0x  e0:  46 32 80 03    div.d $f0,$f16,$f18

Looking at cc -S output we see the fp regs are not invidually

 #   9  }
 #  10  double x1(double d)
 #  11  {
        .ent    x1 2
        .option O1
        .set     noreorder
        .cpload $25
        .set     reorder
        subu    $sp, 56
        sw      $31, 36($sp)
        .cprestore      32
        s.d     $f12, 56($sp)
        s.d     $f20, 24($sp)
        .mask   0x90000000, -20
        .fmask  0x00300000, -32
        .frame  $sp, 56, $31
        .loc    2 11

Now I must admit I am using a modern compiler, not an original
old mips1 compiler. So while the spill would be the same, 
(and same as reg saves) I don't recall precisely how it would
really look in IRIX mips1 assembler.

David B. Anderson

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