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Undefined Instruction - gdb

            When I cross compile redboot for (ARM e7t),
            with GDB debugging enabled,
            the breakpoint function present in
            is producing an "undefined instruction"
            Because of this,  I am getting an "undefined instruction
            and the system is carshing in function process_exception
(int sigval)
            (packages/hal/common/current/src )  The value of sigval is 5

            I have attatched part of my objdump of redboot.elf

            Can anyone help in fixing this problem ?


/* Misc functions                                                          */

/* This function will generate a breakpoint exception.  It is used at the
   beginning of a program to sync up with a debugger and can be used
   otherwise as a quick means to stop program execution and "break" into
   the debugger. */

    diag_printf("We are generating the execption \n");
   12f14:	e1a0c00d 	mov	r12, sp
   12f18:	e92dd800 	stmdb	sp!, {r11, r12, lr, pc}
   12f1c:	e59f000c 	ldr	r0, [pc, #c]	; 12f30 <_breakinst+0x8>
   12f20:	e24cb004 	sub	r11, r12, #4	; 0x4
   12f24:	eb001052 	bl	17074 <diag_printf>

00012f28 <_breakinst>:
   12f28:	e7ffdefe 	undefined
   12f2c:	e91ba800 	ldmdb	r11, {r11, sp, pc}
   12f30:	0001fdcc 	andeq	pc, r1, r12, asr #27

00012f34 <cyg_hal_report_undefined_instruction>:

/* This function returns the opcode for a 'trap' instruction.  */

unsigned long
__break_opcode (void)
    return HAL_BREAKINST;

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