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DOS/Windows-specific code in sim/

    * sim/callback.c:

    #if defined(__GO32__) || defined (_MSC_VER)
    static int
    os_poll_quit (p)
	 host_callback *p;
    #if defined(__GO32__)
      int kbhit ();
      int getkey ();
      if (kbhit ())
	  int k = getkey ();
	  if (k == 1)
	      return 1;
	  else if (k == 2)
	      return 1;
	      sim_cb_eprintf (p, "CTRL-A to quit, CTRL-B to quit harder\n");
    #if defined (_MSC_VER)
      /* NB - this will not compile! */
      int k = win32pollquit();
      if (k == 1)
	return 1;
      else if (k == 2)
	return 1;
      return 0;
    #define os_poll_quit 0
    #endif /* defined(__GO32__) || defined(_MSC_VER) */

This is an old code which was changed in utils.c long ago.  Is some
platform still using this?

    * sim/common/sim-signal.c:

    #ifdef _MSC_VER
    #ifndef SIGTRAP
    #define SIGTRAP 5
    #ifndef SIGBUS
    #define SIGBUS 10
    #ifndef SIGQUIT
    #define SIGQUIT 3

Does someone know why this is done?  If SIGTRAP etc. are not defined,
the code should simply not reference it.

    * sim/common/sim-types.h:

    #if !defined (SIM_TYPES_H) && defined (_MSC_VER)
    #define SIM_TYPES_H

    /* bit based */

    #define UNSIGNED32(X) (X##ui32)
    #define UNSIGNED64(X) (X##ui64)

    #define SIGNED32(X) (X##i32)
    #define SIGNED64(X) (X##i64)

    typedef signed char signed8;
    typedef signed short signed16;
    typedef signed int signed32;
    typedef signed __int64 signed64;

    typedef unsigned int unsigned8;
    typedef unsigned int unsigned16;
    typedef unsigned int unsigned32;
    typedef unsigned __int64 unsigned64;

    typedef struct { unsigned64 a[2]; } unsigned128;
    typedef struct { signed64 a[2]; } signed128;

    #endif /* _MSC_VER */

Does anyone know why is this ifdef'ed away for MSC?

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