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Re: GDB Search capabilities.. :)

Fyodor wrote:
> Add in commands like ADB's for searching for patterns, etc.  We should
> be able to examine and patch raw unsymboled binaries as well in gdb as
> we can in adb.  (E.g. increase the timeout in /bin/login without source).

This has been on the wishlist for forever it seems, so if you were
to work up an implementation that could be added, I think everybody
would be very happy.  As far as I know, nobody has submitted a patch
for this already.

Ideally, there would be a target vector method that could be filled
in with code optimized for specific platforms as desired (for instance
by adding a new packet to a protocol), and a default implementation
that just uses normal memory read/write, and will be the slower
fallback available for all platforms.


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