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Re: Moving Linux-specific stuff out of i386-tdep.c

> Here's what Stan had to say about the matter:
>     Names need to be 8.3 unique so djgpp works.  The critical files
>     would be only the ones that might actually get used in a djgpp
>     system, so it's not crucial to have Linux native sources or HP
>     tests cases be 8.3 unique, but it's simpler just to apply the rule
>     uniformly.

DJ already explained what does "8.3 unique" mean, in practical terms.

In the current GDB distribution, quite a few files do not comply with
this rule.  Limiting the 8.3 uniqueness only to files required by the
DJGPP native version is not a very good idea (IMHO), since I hope to
make the GDB distribution support DJGPP out of the box, and when
people unpack an official distribution, they don't have good options
to choose only some of the files.  This makes it a pain to unpack GDB,
because many available untar programs will silently overwrite files if
they map to the same name after 8.3 truncation.  But even you use one
of those untar programs which do allow to cope gracefully with such
name clashing, renaming several dozen files is quite tedious.

If there's an agreement to be 8.3 unique, I can submit a list of files
which break this rule in the current snapshots, and suggest possible
alternatives for renaming them.

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