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Re: extending Gdb to display app specific data writes:

> Thanks.
> These are both good ideas which I will pursue.

Also, if you let us know what datatypes you are specifically referring
to,  we can help.

For instance, c++ vectors (maps broke recently, i'm working on it),
you can use gdb convenience variables and iterators,

set $a = ourVector.begin()

print *$a
print *$a++

It'll print the right thing, calling the right functions, etc.

Same with 
print ourVector[0].

It'll call operator[] properly, and print the result.

As soon as i fix maps, you'll be able to do the same 

print ourMap["hello"]

C++ strings vary in representation, but we could always make it call
.c_str() when you print it, or something.
Then you run into the problem that people debugging c++ standard
libraries won't be able to view the internals of their strings.


> Daniel Berlin wrote:
> > Um, use a single routine name, overloaded for the
> > data types you want to print?
> > You did say you were using C++, right?
> Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> > The function (from the debugged program) that is used to print the
> > data type could find out the type itself.  That's what `debug_print'
> > in Emacs does, albeit indirectly.
> (Fernando, can we use this in the Insight tooltips/bubbles?)

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