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Re: [PATCH v2 02/10] Add Aarch64 SVE Linux headers

On 2018-06-12 11:11, Pedro Alves wrote:
On 06/12/2018 04:06 PM, Simon Marchi wrote:
I think that would be a good compromise.  By default, building on a machine with an older kernel would exclude SVE support.  But it would be possible to add it by pointing to the headers of a recent kernel.  So when building on a machine with an older kernel...

- ... without any special flags, you don't get SVE support.
- ... with just --enable-sve, you get a configure error.
- ... with --enable-sve and CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS pointing to headers of a kernel w/ SVE macros, you get SVE support.

Does that make sense?
Yes. Not sure an --enable-sve switch is necessary (compared to just having
headers vs not having headers), but I'd be fine with having one.

I think it is useful if you want to make sure your build will have the support:

- auto/not specified: include the support if the prerequisites are available - enable: include the support, error at configure if prerequisites are missing
- disable: don't include the support

Otherwise, just a typo in your include path can result in a build without the feature you want, and you only discover it later, that's annoying.


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