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Re: review request: implementing DW_AT_endianity

These were the differences in the gdb.sum output for the baseline run vs. mine:

-PASS: gdb.base/step-over-syscall.exp: clone: displaced=off: single step over clone

-PASS: gdb.base/step-over-syscall.exp: clone: displaced=off: get hexadecimal valueof "$pc"

-PASS: gdb.base/step-over-syscall.exp: clone: displaced=off: single step over clone final pc

-PASS: gdb.base/step-over-syscall.exp: clone: displaced=off: break marker

-PASS: gdb.base/step-over-syscall.exp: clone: displaced=off: continue to marker (clone)

-KFAIL: gdb.base/step-over-syscall.exp: clone: displaced=on: single step over clone (PRMS: gdb/19675)

+FAIL: gdb.base/step-over-syscall.exp: clone: displaced=off: single step over clone

-PASS: gdb.mi/list-thread-groups-available.exp: list available thread groups

+FAIL: gdb.mi/list-thread-groups-available.exp: list available thread groups (unexpected output)

-PASS: gdb.threads/attach-into-signal.exp: nonthreaded: attempt 1: attach (pass 1), pending signal catch

-PASS: gdb.threads/attach-into-signal.exp: nonthreaded: attempt 3: attach (pass 2), pending signal catch

+PASS: gdb.threads/attach-into-signal.exp: nonthreaded: attempt 4: attach (pass 1), pending signal catch

+PASS: gdb.threads/attach-into-signal.exp: nonthreaded: attempt 4: attach (pass 2), pending signal catch

-PASS: gdb.threads/attach-into-signal.exp: threaded: attempt 4: attach (pass 1), pending signal catch

-PASS: gdb.threads/attach-into-signal.exp: threaded: attempt 7: attach (pass 2), pending signal catch

+PASS: gdb.threads/attach-into-signal.exp: threaded: attempt 3: attach (pass 1), pending signal catch

+PASS: gdb.threads/attach-into-signal.exp: threaded: attempt 3: attach (pass 2), pending signal catch

-PASS: gdb.threads/process-dies-while-detaching.exp: single-process: detach: killed outside: get integer valueof "mypid" (9535)

+PASS: gdb.threads/process-dies-while-detaching.exp: single-process: detach: killed outside: get integer valueof "mypid" (6194)

-PASS: gdb.threads/process-dies-while-detaching.exp: single-process: continue: killed outside: get integer valueof "mypid" (8865)

+PASS: gdb.threads/process-dies-while-detaching.exp: single-process: continue: killed outside: get integer valueof "mypid" (19681)

-PASS: gdb.threads/process-dies-while-detaching.exp: multi-process: detach: killed outside: get integer valueof "mypid" (443)

+PASS: gdb.threads/process-dies-while-detaching.exp: multi-process: detach: killed outside: get integer valueof "mypid" (11368)

-PASS: gdb.threads/process-dies-while-detaching.exp: multi-process: continue: killed outside: get integer valueof "mypid" (24003)

+PASS: gdb.threads/process-dies-while-detaching.exp: multi-process: continue: killed outside: get integer valueof "mypid" (2640)

-PASS: gdb.threads/process-dies-while-handling-bp.exp: non_stop=on: cond_bp_target=0: inferior 1 exited

-PASS: gdb.threads/process-dies-while-handling-bp.exp: non_stop=on: cond_bp_target=0: no threads left

+KFAIL: gdb.threads/process-dies-while-handling-bp.exp: non_stop=on: cond_bp_target=0: inferior 1 exited (prompt) (PRMS: gdb/18749)

-PASS: gdb.threads/process-dies-while-handling-bp.exp: non_stop=off: cond_bp_target=0: inferior 1 exited

-PASS: gdb.threads/process-dies-while-handling-bp.exp: non_stop=off: cond_bp_target=0: no threads left

+KFAIL: gdb.threads/process-dies-while-handling-bp.exp: non_stop=off: cond_bp_target=0: inferior 1 exited (prompt) (PRMS: gdb/18749)

-PASS: gdb.threads/signal-while-stepping-over-bp-other-thread.exp: step

+FAIL: gdb.threads/signal-while-stepping-over-bp-other-thread.exp: step (pattern 3)

-FAIL: gdb.threads/watchpoint-fork.exp: child: multithreaded: breakpoint (A) after the second fork (timeout)

+PASS: gdb.threads/watchpoint-fork.exp: child: multithreaded: breakpoint (A) after the second fork

-KFAIL: gdb.threads/watchthreads2.exp: gdb can drop watchpoints in multithreaded app (PRMS: gdb/10116)

+PASS: gdb.threads/watchthreads2.exp: all threads incremented x

(there were also the 4 additional PASS: records from my new test, and no failures from that test).


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