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Re: [PATCH] Delete program spaces directly when removing inferiors

On 15-07-08 02:17 PM, Pedro Alves wrote:
> Hmm, I think it'll fix a bug, actually.  There should always
> be an inferior.  And that deletes it.  So I assume
> that after closing the monitor target, GDB crashes as soon as
> it refers to the current inferior...
> In the original multi-process support (~7.0), that was not the
> case -- if you were not debugging a process, there's be
> no inferior.  Seems like this code has bit rotten.

Ok, I had this intuition as well (about deleting the last inferior).

> I guess this suggests that no one's been using these monitor
> targets for a long while?

Or they don't mind/notice that it crashes at exit.

>> Is there any way to test that code path relatively easily on x86?
> Don't think so.  You could stick a:
>   delete_inferior_silent (ptid_get_pid (monitor_ptid));
> call in remote.c:remote_close and see what happens there though.

I tried something similar (monitor_ptid is not available there), and
bad things happen indeed.

I'll try to update my patch to use discard_all_inferiors, but it will
be a "theoretical" fix, since there's no way to test.


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