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Re: [PATCH 1/4] Fix dprintf bugs

Marc, thanks for playing with dprintf and giving a lot useful comments and suggestions.

On 03/03/2013 10:21 AM, Marc Khouzam wrote:
I'm still hesitant about the -break-modified event in that case
though.  I believe the event is triggered because the hit count
has changed.  For a normal bp, it makes sense to have this event
in this case, since execution has stopped and only a single
event will be seen (not exactly true for non-stop, but still
makes sense, I think).  However, for dprintf which is meant to
let the inferior continue to run, there could be quite many
hit events very quickly.  Since we already have some feeback
that the dprintf has hit through the actual printf string, I'm
leaning towards not having that event for dprintf hits.

Right, the "hit count" is not very meaningful to dprintf. I am fine not to update hit count for dprintf.

Furthermore, this event is not being sent when using dprintf-style
"agent" anyway.

I also saw that conditions are now properly respected for dprintf-style
"gdb" and "call".  That is great.  Conditions are still not respected for
style "agent" but that is a separate issue I believe (PR 15180).

Right, PR 15180 is a separate problem. It is not dprintf specific, in fact. It is about target side commands execution respected for the target side conditions.

I did notice that although commands cannot be set for dprintf from
the CLI they are not blocked for MI:

(gdb) interpreter-exec mi "-break-commands 1 hello"
(gdb) info b
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
1       dprintf        keep y   0x0000000000400570 in main() at

I'll handle this in the new version.

Yao (éå)

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