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Re: GDB/MI and ">" prompts

> From: Marc Khouzam <>
> Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 11:39:25 -0400
> I tried Eli's patch with Eclipse and I didn't see any problems.
> I was concerned that changing to the CLI interpreter for a while
> could make us lose some MI events, but it does not seem to be
> the case.  For example, I tried running a thread that will hit
> a breakpoint in 5 seconds; I then got into the 'commands' secondary
> prompt and waited for the 5 seconds to pass.  The *stopped event
> was not reported until I sent the 'end' command and got out
> of the secondary prompt.  This is the behavior with and without
> Eli's patch.  So it seems MI events are buffered in that case,
> and switching to the CLI interpreter does not make use lose that
> event.
> So, it seems ok for an Eclipse perspective.


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