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Re: RFC: new struct breakpoint component cond_language...

Stan Shebs wrote:
Joel Brobecker wrote:
So, taking both of these elements into account, I deduce that
breakpoints should also store a condition_language which should be
used in order to parse our condition, because it can be different
from the breakpoint language.

Tracepoints add an extra wrinkle to this concept - when connecting to a target that is currently running a trace, tracepoint conditions can be uploaded from the target, and in their original source form, and so have to be reparsed. So to make this work in the multi-language case, it seems like the tracepoint download should include the language somehow.

But then I wonder - when uploading a tracepoint, we receive both the computed address and the source form of that address, so in theory we can always deduce the correct language by working back from the tracepoint address. And if that's true, then wouldn't the language of the condition be expected to be the same as the language of the location? Are tracepoints then just a special case in which the condition language does not need to be recorded?

Hmmm... doesn't the breakpoint struct already record (as you mention) the "source form" (ie. a string) of the address? In which case, could we not always derive the source language?

Oh, well, what if it's just a function name? Is that enough?

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