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Re: [commit/Ada] Special handling for predefined exceptions...

> Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 13:52:33 -0700
> From: Joel Brobecker <>
> For Ada, we provide a command "catch exception [EXCEPTION_NAME]"
> that stops the execution when an exception is raised. If an exception
> name is specified in the command, then the debugger only stops when
> a specific exception is raised.  The matching of the exception is
> performed through an internal condition that looks like this:
>     long_integer (e) = long_integer (&EXCEPTION_NAME)"
> (where "e" is a parameter of the function where we inserted the
> catchpoint that contains a pointer to the exception data).  The way
> it works is: For every EXCEPTION_NAME, the compiler defines an entity
> whose name is EXCEPTION_NAME (fully qualified). So when we want to
> verify whether we have raised a given exception, we just verify that
> its address is the address of the symbol whose name is EXCEPTION_NAME.

I'd love to have all this info somewhere in gdbint.texinfo.


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