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Re: [mi] -list-features

 > > I don't think this syntax is possible using the functions
 > > ui_out_field_string, etc.  but if you tried to implement your proposal we
 > > would find out for sure and wouldn't need to debate it.
 > I *did* implemented it, and posted a code patch and here's what I get in
 > my local copy (with two dummy features, for local testing)

I've only seen a patch with no features, so I must have missed it.

 > > -stack-list-locals 0
 > > ^done,locals=[name="aaa",name="zxcv"]
 > > (gdb) 
 > This is historical code and gdb manual say this:
 > 	 New GDB/MI commands should only output lists containing values.

OK, I see now that other commands output the other syntax.  I currently just
use a different regexp for each MI command but it must make things harder for
anyone who wants to write a formal parser.


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