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Re: Breakpoints with multiple locations?

On Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 12:19:07PM -0500, Dwayne Grant McConnell wrote:
> > No one is working on it at the moment that I am aware of, but I remain
> > interested in the problem.
> Do you have any suggestions on how I get started? Are there any partial patches 
> out there? Any email threads in particular which I should review?

The last work I did on this was a long time ago:

I don't know if it will still be helpful.  You'll see that I skipped
all the parts which require significant additional design or
interface.  That's the thing we need next :-)  Well, that and seeing
if the code still works.

gdb@ may be a more suitable list, since this isn't yet a patch, but it
doesn't make a lot of difference - the same people read both, more or

Daniel Jacobowitz

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