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Re: [PATCH] -stack-select-frame

 > I don't care, really, but isn't necessary in our experience at  
 > Apple.  The first thing a GUI has to do when execution has stopped is  
 > get the current stack.  It shows the stack to the developer, and then  
 > the developer decides that stack frame 2 is of interest to her, so  
 > she clicks there and the GUI sends stack-select-frame.  The GUI  
 > already has the stack-list-frames output from when it stopped -- it  
 > knows very well what's at frame 2.

I thought it would save some time if the user doesn't need to see the
whole stack.

 > If the GUI has short term memory problems, stack-list-frames is  
 > always at its disposal.
 > >     * mi/mi-cmd-stack.c (mi_cmd_stack_select_frame): Don't test for
 > >     stack.  Print frame details.
 > >   enum mi_cmd_result
 > >   mi_cmd_stack_select_frame (char *command, char **argv, int argc)
 > >   {
 > > -   if (!target_has_stack)
 > > -     error (_("mi_cmd_stack_select_frame: No stack."));
 > > -

Because now GDB will report it as follows:

&"No stack.\n"
^error,msg="No stack."


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