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Re: [rfa:symtab] deprecate inside_entry_func

Then I'm puzzled as to why you are objecting to me deprecating this
existing garish hack? Remember, I also wrote:

 > +  /* NOTE: cagney/2003-10-31: A very simple test, such as
 > +     get_frame_func == entry_point should be sufficient for
 > +     identifying a pc in the entry function.  Does anyone know why it
 > +     wasn't sufficient and hence, why the very convoluted
 > +     "deprecated_inside_entry_func" is needed.  */

What I'm suggesting is that you implement inside_entry_func() using
"get_frame_func == entry_point".  What's so garish about that?

That task is best left to the person with a direct requirement for the mechanism. That way, at the time the new code is committed, it has both a clear need and is known to work.

This is of course separate to deprecating inside_entry_func's current implementation. The reason for deprecated the old code is to make its status very clear - don't use it in new code and try to eliminate it from old code.


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