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Re: patch ping: QNX Neutrino remote debug support

I obviously can't review the protocol implementation. So ...

Two comming changes to keep in mind:

- having multiple live target stacks is on the horizon, that will meen that most statics will need to be consulated into a struct

- async is similar (assuming it can be re-started). you'll want to think about the consequences.

anyway, some more general comments ...

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>

"defs.h" is _always_ included first. I also noticed that one of the other headers was pulling in <stdlib.h>? Is it needed.

Is all of the following needed? Look at how remote-io.c handled this problem.

#ifdef __CYGWIN__
#include <sys/cygwin.h>

#ifndef EOK
#define EOK 0

#define QNX_READ_MODE	0x0
#define QNX_WRITE_MODE	0x301
#define QNX_WRITE_PERMS	0x1ff

#ifdef __CYGWIN__

#ifndef O_BINARY
#define O_BINARY 0

int (*target_created_hook) (pid_t);

GDB's trying to switch to observers, but first, is this even used? Or is another hook/observer already available?

#define SWAP64( val ) ( \
#define SWAP32( val ) ( (((val) >> 24) & 0x000000ff)	\
#define SWAP16( val ) ( (((val) >> 8) & 0xff) | (((val) << 8) & 0xff00) )
nto_swap16 (int val)
nto_swap32 (long int val)
nto_swap64 (long long int val)

These all shouldn't be needed. Instead extract_[un]signed_integer should be able to do the job (I'm guessing that this part of the protocol is target byteordered).

Use LONGEST if you need a large integer.

#define SEND_NAK         serial_write(nto_desc,nak_packet,sizeof(nak_packet))
#define SEND_CH_RESET    serial_write(nto_desc,ch_reset_packet,sizeof(ch_reset_packet))
#define SEND_CH_DEBUG    serial_write(nto_desc,ch_debug_packet,sizeof(ch_debug_packet))
#define SEND_CH_TEXT     serial_write(nto_desc,ch_text_packet,sizeof(ch_text_packet))

Shouldn't these be functions?

printf_unfiltered ("[escape]");

debug info should go to gdb_stdlog.

nto_desc = serial_open (name);


[about here I maxed out]

static void
nto_add_commands ()
  struct cmd_list_element *c;

  c =
    add_com ("upload", class_obscure, upload_command,
	     "Send a file to the target (upload {local} [{remote}])");
  c->completer = filename_completer;
  add_com ("download", class_obscure, download_command,
	   "Get a file from the target (download {remote} [{local}])");

static void
nto_remove_commands ()
  extern struct cmd_list_element *cmdlist;

  delete_cmd ("upload", &cmdlist);
  delete_cmd ("download", &cmdlist);

Can you start a discussion about these commands (I guess on gdb@)? (For the moment, leave them disabled?).

The revamping of "to_query" opens the potential for implementing this in a clean generic way.

_initialize_nto ()

Can this be moved to the end of the file?

  add_show_from_set (add_set_cmd ("qnxtimeout", no_class,
				  var_integer, (char *) &nto_timeout,
				  "Set timeout value for remote read.\n",
				  &setlist), &showlist);

  add_show_from_set (add_set_cmd ("qnxinheritenv", no_class,
				  var_boolean, (char *) &nto_inherit_env,
				  "Set where remote process inherits env from pdebug, or has it set by gdb\n",
				  &setlist), &showlist);

  add_show_from_set (add_set_cmd ("qnxremotecwd", class_support, var_string,
				  (char *) &nto_remote_cwd,
				  "Set the working directory for the remote process",
				  &setlist), &showlist);

  add_setshow_cmd ("nto-remote-file", class_files, var_string,
		   &nto_remote_file, "Set the remote file to be executed \
when a user issues the 'run'\ncommand to a QNX \
Neutrino remote target.\n", "Show the file to be executed on the remote\n\
QNX Neutrino target.\n", NULL, NULL, &setlist, &showlist);

  add_setshow_cmd ("upload-sets-exec", class_files, var_integer,
		   "If set, upload will set nto_remote_file.\n",
		   "Show the flag for upload to set nto_remote_file.\n", NULL,
		   NULL, &setlist, &showlist);

See "remote.c" for how to set things up so that "set remote-nto ...", or "set nto ...?" works. You'll, separatly, need doco.

For the "set qnx*", suggest, locally, investigating GDB's mechanism for deprecating commands.

BTW, "nto_remove_file" isn't meaningful.

  add_info ("pidlist", nto_pidlist, "pidlist");
  add_info ("meminfo", nto_meminfo, "memory information");

Can you explain these? "info threads" vs "pidlist". "maint info nto memory" or "info memory" vs "meminfo"? As with "download", disable them for now.

Is the below needed? I don't think it belongs in remote-nto as even a native will need to do this transformation.

#ifndef __QNXNTO__

#define QNXSIGHUP      1	/* Hangup.  */
#define QNXSIGINT      2	/* Interrupt.  */
#define QNXSIGQUIT     3	/* Quit.  */
#define QNXSIGILL      4	/* Illegal instruction (not reset when caught).  */
#define QNXSIGTRAP     5	/* Trace trap (not reset when caught).  */
#define QNXSIGIOT      6	/* IOT instruction.  */
#define QNXSIGABRT     6	/* Used by abort.  */


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