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Re: sim/mips patch: add support for more NEC VR targets

At Wed, 06 Nov 2002 19:46:07 -0500, Andrew Cagney wrote:

>> - gen-engine.c adds the global prefix to the beginning of
>>   only back-end to define these macros, and it never adds a
>>   prefix.  The patch adjusts igen accordingly.

> > > Hmm. I don't know igen so well. Andrew? What are your thoughts
> here?

[I suspect its already been committed]
So, how did it ever build?

Err, well, build is no problem: the code in question did #if
defined(%sENGINE_ISSUE_PREFIX_HOOK)... so it won't get in there.

Specify two functions. One for the mips5500 and one for the rest. That way, there isn't any reason for adding TATE_ARCHITECTURE (SD)->mach == bfd_mach_mips5500.

It will also solve the default machine problem.


(1) w/ separate fn, you'd need to tag _all_ of the 5500 machine insns
    w/ mips5500.  (as opposed to ISA + a few mips5500 extensions.)
Er, all the instructions that belonged to the MIPS 5500 should be taged with 5500 anyway. As I noted:

The real world order is: ISA YYY implements MIPS XXX, BUT with a few tiny exceptions ....  You end up having to check that every single *&@^#$(*&@#$ instruction matches the generic ISA.  Sigh.

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