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Re: [rfa/testsuite] Don't display values in output of pc-fp.exp

The tests in pc-fp.exp display the actual values of $pc and $fp in
their PASS messages.  That makes regression testing a bit more
annoying for me: the value of $fp changes with every change I make to
GDB.  Is it okay to tweak the PASS messages not to display those

As far as I know, anything in trailing paren should be ignored when comparing test results. You might want to tweak your script (I've attached mine) to do this.

Also, why is FP/PC changing? Your GDB changes shouldn't affect the behavior of the target program's $fp / $pc.


2002-11-05  David Carlton  <>

	* gdb.base/pc-fp.exp (get_valueofx): Don't display 'val' in PASS

Index: pc-fp.exp
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/pc-fp.exp,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -p -r1.1 pc-fp.exp
--- pc-fp.exp	25 Sep 2002 20:30:38 -0000	1.1
+++ pc-fp.exp	5 Nov 2002 22:09:51 -0000
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ proc get_valueofx { fmt exp default } {
     gdb_expect {
 	-re "\\$\[0-9\]* = (0x\[0-9a-zA-Z\]+).*$gdb_prompt $" {
 	    set val $expect_out(1,string)
-	    pass "get value of ${exp} ($val)"
+	    pass "get value of ${exp}"
 	timeout {
 	    set size ${default}


if awk --version < /dev/null 2>&1 | grep -i gnu > /dev/null

$AWK '
function trace (msg) {
    print msg >> "/dev/stderr"

# returns a SUPSEP separated list created by sorting TABLE.
function qsort (table, middle, tmp, left, nr_left, right, nr_right, result) {
    middle = ""
    for (middle in table) { break; }
    nr_left = 0;
    nr_right = 0;
    for (tmp in table) {
	if (tmp < middle) {
	    left[tmp] = tmp
	} else if (tmp > middle) {
	    right[tmp] = tmp
    #print "qsort " nr_left " " middle " " nr_right > "/dev/stderr"
    result = ""
    if (nr_left > 0) {
	result = qsort(left) SUBSEP
    result = result middle
    if (nr_right > 0) {
	result = result SUBSEP qsort(right)
    return result

function print_headings (html_p, file, title, target, i) {
    if (html_p) {
	printf "<tr><td></td><th>"					>> file
    printf title							>> file
    if (html_p) {
	printf "</th>"							>> file
    for (i = 1; i <= nr_targets; i++) {
	target = sorted_targets[i]
	if (html_p) {
	    printf "<th>" i "<br>" target "</th>"			>> file
	} else {
	    printf "\t" i						>> file
    if (html_p) {
	printf "</tr>"							>> file
    printf "\n"								>> file

function print_test (file, test, nr, i) {
    printf "<tr>"							>> file
    printf "<td>%d</td>", nr						>> file
    printf "<th align=left>%s</th>", test				>> file
    for (i = 1; i <= nr_targets; i++) {
	target = sorted_targets[i];
	result = results[target, test]
	if (result == "FAIL") {
	    printf "<th>%s</th>", result				>> file
	} else {
	    printf "<td align=center>%s</td>", result			>> file
    printf "</tr>\n"							>> file

function print_totals (html_p, file, status, target, i, j) {
    for (i = 1; i <= nr_statuses; i++) {
	status = sorted_statuses[i];
	if (html_p) {
	    printf "<tr><td></td><th align=left>"			>> file
	printf status							>> file
	if (html_p) {
	    printf "</th>"						>> file
	for (j = 1; j <= nr_targets; j++) {
	    target = sorted_targets[j];
	    if (html_p) {
		printf "<th>"						>> file
	    } else {
		printf "\t"
	    printf totals[target, status]				>> file
	    if (html_p) {
		printf "</th>"						>> file
	if (html_p) {
	    printf "</tr>"						>> file
	printf "\n"							>> file

function print_table_start (file, title, full_title, i, target) {
    full_title = "Failure Table: " title;
    trace("Generating " file " (" full_title ")")
    print "<html>"							>> file
    print "<head>"							>> file
    print "<title>" full_title "</title>"				>> file
    print "</head>"							>> file

    print "<body>"							>> file
    print "<h1><center>" full_title "</center></h1>"			>> file
    print "<center>"							>> file
    print "<table>"							>> file
    for (i = 1; i <= nr_targets; i++) {
	target = sorted_targets[i]
	print "<tr>"							>> file
	print "<td>" i "</td>"						>> file
	print "<td>" target "</td>"					>> file
	print "<td>" target_file[target] "</td>"			>> file
	print "</tr>"							>> file
    print "</table>"							>> file
    print "</center>"							>> file
    print "<table>"							>> file

function print_table_end (file) {
    print "</table>"							>> file
    print "</body>"							>> file
    print "</html>"							>> file

function print_opening (file, title) {
    printf "" > file
    print_table_start(file, title);
    print_headings(1, file, title);
    print_totals(1, file);

function print_closing (file, title, nr) {
    trace(title ": " nr);
    print_totals(1, file);
    print_headings(1, file, title);

    nr_runs = 0
/Running target/ {
    sub (/Running target/, "");
    gsub (/ /, "");
    gsub (/\//, " ");
    nr = 1;
    do {
	target = $0 " (" nr++ ")";
    } while (target in targets)
    targets[target] = target
    target_file[target] = FILENAME
    trace("Parsing " nr_runs ": " target " " (target_file[target]));

# Collect up sizeof???

# Collect the results
/^PASS:/ || /^FAIL:/ || /^XFAIL:/ || /^XPASS:/ {
    # accumulate statuses
    status = $0
    sub (/:.*$/, "", status)
    statuses[status] = status
    # accumulate tests
    test = $0
    sub (/^[A-Z]*: /, "", test)
    gsub (/ *\([^)]*\)/, "", test)
    tests[test] = test

    # accumulate result counts
    totals[target, status] += 1;
    results[target, test] = status;
    totals[test, status] += 1;


    # sort the test names
    trace("Sorting results")
    nr_tests = split (qsort(tests), sorted_tests, SUBSEP);
    trace("Number of tests " nr_tests)
#    for (i = 0; i < nr_tests; i++) {
#	print i " " sorted_tests[i] > "/dev/stderr"
#    }
    nr_targets = split (qsort(targets), sorted_targets, SUBSEP);
    nr_statuses = split (qsort(statuses), sorted_statuses, SUBSEP);

    print_headings(0, "/dev/stderr", "Summary")
    print_totals(0, "/dev/stderr")
    for (i = 1; i <= nr_targets; i++) {
	target = sorted_targets[i]
	printf "%3d  %s %s\n", i, target, target_file[target]  >> "/dev/stderr"


    # heading
    file = "diff.html"
    print_opening(file, "Differences");

    # body - differences
    nr = 0
    for (i = 1; i <= nr_tests; i++) {
	test = sorted_tests[i];
	different = 0;
	fail = 0;
	result = "<uninitialized>";
	for (target in targets) {
	    if (result == "<uninitialized>") {
		result = results[target, test];
	    } else if (result != results[target, test]) {
		different = 1
	    if (results[target, test] == "FAIL") {
		fail = 1;
#	    print "TEST=" test, "different=" different, "fail=" fail, "result=" result > "/dev/stderr"
	if (different) {
	    print_test(file, test, ++nr);

    print_closing(file, "Differences", nr);


    file = "fail.html"
    print_opening(file, "Failures");

    # body - failures
    nr = 0
    for (i = 1; i <= nr_tests; i++) {
	test = sorted_tests[i]
	if (totals[test, "FAIL"] > 0) {
	    print_test(file, test, ++nr);

    print_closing(file, "Failures", nr);


    file = "pass.html"
    print_opening(file, "Passes");

    # body - passes
    nr = 0
    for (i = 1; i <= nr_tests; i++) {
	test = sorted_tests[i]
	if (totals[test, "PASS"] > 0) {
	    print_test(file, test, ++nr);

    print_closing(file, "Passes", nr);
' "$@"

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