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Re: Add rules for ObjC files

Klee Dienes wrote:

I'm not sure if this is something you want to hassle with at the moment, or if you'd prefer to let it wait as a modification once a working version of the Objective-C patches are successfully committed.

But just as a heads-up, I should mention that in more recent versions of our GDB, we've folded in all of the Objective-C support directly into c-exp.y, and removed objc-exp.y as a file entirely. Most of objc-exp.y was always just an out-of-date copy of c-exp.y, anyway; moving the (rather small) changes into c-exp.y directly not only allowed us to track changes to the C parser much more smoothly, it should also allow for much better Objective-C++ support.

You'll probably want to look at the most recent version of our GDB tree ( 20020918.tar.gz; no registration or anything similar required), and check out our changes to c-exp.y; I've attached them for your convenience.

One downside to having the changes directly in c-exp.y is that I don't know of any good way to conditionalize them; though I am by no means a bison guru.
ObjC is supposed to be a strict superset of C, so at least in theory,
extensions don't need to be conditionalized at all, or they can be
disallowed after parsing, if you wanted to have a "strict C mode"
(although I note that the little array@45 extension is always available,
even though it's not valid C).


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