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Re: sh64 simulator register numbers

AFAICS the sh64 simulator doesn't need any changes for this renumbering,
while gdb would need some decoupling from the simulator's register numbers.

Should we create a header file that describes the register numbers when
talking to hardware, and make gdb use that for its internal numbers?
Or should it define the numbers inside sh-tdep.c ?
See the directory gdb/regformats/ and (more importantly) the mail archives for information on the changes that are being made to GDB so that it will eventually be able to handle remote register numbers.


Anyway, the below is wrong. As was pointed out before, the enum values should not be hardwired.


!   /* SHmedia */
!   SIM_SH64_R0_REGNUM = 128,
!   /* 64 64-bit control registers */
!   /* Some of these have specific names.  */
!   SIM_SH64_SR_REGNUM   = SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM,    /* Status reg            */
!   SIM_SH64_SSR_REGNUM  = SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+1,  /* Saved status reg      */
!   SIM_SH64_PSSR_REGNUM = SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+2,  /* Panic-saved status reg*/
!   SIM_SH64_INTEVT_REGNUM=SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+4,  /* Interrupt event reg   */
!   SIM_SH64_EXPEVT_REGNUM=SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+5,  /* Exception event reg   */
!   SIM_SH64_PEXPEVT_REGNUM= SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+6,/* Panic-saved Exception
! 								event reg */
!   SIM_SH64_TRA_REGNUM  = SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+7,  /* TRAP exception reg    */
!   SIM_SH64_SPC_REGNUM  = SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+8,  /* Saved program counter */
!   SIM_SH64_PSPC_REGNUM = SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+9,  /* Panic-saved program
! 								  counter */
!   SIM_SH64_RESVEC_REGNUM=SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+10, /* Reset vector          */
!   SIM_SH64_VBR_REGNUM  = SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+11, /* Vector base register  */
!   SIM_SH64_TEA_REGNUM  = SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+13, /* Faulting effective
! 							 address register */
!   SIM_SH64_DCR_REGNUM  = SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+16, /* Debug control reg     */
!   SIM_SH64_KCR0_REGNUM = SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+17, /* Kernel register 0     */
!   SIM_SH64_KCR1_REGNUM = SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+18, /* Kernel register 1     */
!   SIM_SH64_CTC_REGNUM  = SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+62, /* Clock tick counter    */
!   SIM_SH64_USR_REGNUM  = SIM_SH64_CR0_REGNUM+63, /* User-accessible
! 							  status register */
!   SIM_SH64_CR63_REGNUM = SIM_SH64_R0_REGNUM+128,
!   SIM_SH64_TR0_REGNUM  = SIM_SH64_R0_REGNUM+129,

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