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Re: .n suffixes for function names in stabs debug info (GCC 3.1-based compiler)

> I believe that GCC is wrong, but you are pointing at the wrong error. 
> See below a bit.

Thank you for this well documented answer.

> According to that, your example:
> > .stabs  "inside.0:f(1,1)=(1,1),inside.0,main",36,0,4,inside.0
> should be:
> > .stabs  "inside.0:f(1,1)=(1,1),inside,main",36,0,4,inside.0

Should this be corrected in GCC? There seems to be an easy fix:

      /* For a nested function, when that function is compiled,
         mention the containing function name
         as well as (since dbx wants it) our own assembler-name.  */
      if (context != 0)
        fprintf (asmfile, ",%s,%s",
                 IDENTIFIER_POINTER (DECL_NAME (context)));

I can submit a patch if this is worth it.

> For your information, Jim Blandy and others are working on greatly
> improving GDB's support for nested scopes right now; this may fall out
> of that, especially for the DWARF-2 case.

Thanks, I will keep an eye on their progress. Note that I like DWARF2
but I am also interested in stabs for some of our platforms like AiX.


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