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Re: Patch to provide m68k simulator to gdb

>>>>> "Will" == Will Cohen <> writes:
Will> DJ Delorie and I have integrated the m68k emulator from the Un*x
Will> Amiga Emulator (UAE) with gdb. UAE is GPL'ed software. The
Will> ChangeLog entries and patch file are attached to this mail.  I
Will> would like to get this incorporated into gdb. Other people
Will> might find this patch useful.

Cool.  I've wanted a simulator for the m68k family for some time.

Some issues:

  * You say that UAE is GPL'd (and the UAE webpage also states this),
    but there is nothing in the source files that indicate this.  The
    files have the copyright statements of individual persons with no
    redistribution or licencing info.  I personally am very hesitant 
    to integrate such code as is.

  * I see from the UAE webpage, that the simulator can emulate a '000,
    '010, or '020.  For GDB, we'd want to add support for the '040 and
    '060; and perhaps the ColdFire.  While the onus is on us to add such
    features, do we have anything in place to keep divergence between 
    the two codebases to a minimum.  

  * I haven't looked at the FPU emulator, but if it doesn't do software
    FP, we'll have to re-implement it otherwise 96bit extended doubles
    won't work as expected.

  * The defines in sim/m68k/target.h don't seem to be used.  In fact,
    there appears to be quite a bit of code that isn't used.  This 
    could be cleaned up, but it won't be worth doing so unless our
    changes can be integrated into the master UAE sources (or we 
    decide to branch).


J.T. Conklin
RedBack Networks

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