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Re: 2009-08-24 Status

26.08.2009 07:17, Roland McGrath wrote:
> As I said before, please do not spend any time on the partial_unit issue.
> Just deal with optimal form selection for attribute values.


> The only class where duplicate values affects the globally optimal choice
> is string.  Don't bother trying to think big about it now.  Just do the
> locally optimal choice.  That's a trivial rule: if s.size ()<  offset_size
> use DW_FORM_string, else use DW_FORM_strp.  Just do that.

That's on the branch now.

I've merged in `dwarf' branch and it turned out it fails to compile. 
For some reason the print-die.hh got renamed to .hh (with matching 
update to, but some files still need print-die.hh.  I first 
simply renamed the file back and merged this, then noticed that missing 
.hh is trivial and created it.  Unfortunately I've already pushed 
between these two commits, so we've got one extra wart on our git tree.


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