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PC Vmware networking


  As promised to Jifl, tidied up and changelogs done. The assignment has 
already been sent to Red Hat.

diff -C5 -N -P -r -x '.*' /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/ChangeLog ./ChangeLog
*** /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/ChangeLog	2003-01-27 17:33:05.000000000 +0100
--- ./ChangeLog	2003-01-29 13:17:57.000000000 +0100
*** 1,5 ****
--- 1,10 ----
+ 2003-01-26  Iztok Zupet <>
+ 	* ecos.db: Add packages for LancePCI (Vmware) eth driver.
+ 	Add new target pc_vmWare for use under Vmware virtual machine.
  2003-01-24  Knud Woehler <>
  2003-01-24  Mark Salter  <>
  	* ecos.db: Add packages for XScale PXA2x0/MPC50.
diff -C5 -N -P -r -x '.*' /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/cdl/amd_lancepci_eth_drivers.cdl ./devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/cdl/amd_lancepci_eth_drivers.cdl
*** /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/cdl/amd_lancepci_eth_drivers.cdl	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
--- ./devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/cdl/amd_lancepci_eth_drivers.cdl	2003-01-29 09:03:46.000000000 +0100
*** 0 ****
--- 1,96 ----
+ # ====================================================================
+ #
+ #      amd_lancepci_eth_drivers.cdl
+ #
+ #      Ethernet drivers - support for AMD LANCE PCI (vmWare) ethernet
+ #      controllers
+ #
+ # ====================================================================
+ ## -------------------------------------------
+ ## This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
+ ## Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
+ ##
+ ## eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ ## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ ## Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ ##
+ ## eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ ## WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ ## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ ## for more details.
+ ##
+ ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ ## with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ ##
+ ## As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
+ ## or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
+ ## with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
+ ## by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
+ ## License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
+ ## in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
+ ##
+ ## This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
+ ## this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+ ##
+ ## Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
+ ## at
+ ## -------------------------------------------
+ # ====================================================================
+ #
+ # Author(s):      gthomas
+ # Contributors:   gthomas, jskov, iz
+ # Date:           2002-07-17
+ #
+ #
+ # ====================================================================
+     display       "AMD LANCE compatible ethernet driver"
+     description   "Ethernet driver for AMD PCI LANCE compatible controllers."
+     parent        CYGPKG_IO_ETH_DRIVERS
+     active_if	  CYGPKG_IO_ETH_DRIVERS
+     include_dir   .
+     include_files ; # none _exported_ whatsoever
+     compile       -library=libextras.a if_lancepci.c
+     define_proc {
+         puts $::cdl_header "#include <pkgconf/system.h>";
+         puts $::cdl_header "#include CYGDAT_DEVS_ETH_AMD_LANCEPCI_CFG";
+     }
+ 	display "Number of supported interfaces."
+         flavor        data
+ 	description   "
+ 	    This option selects the number of PCI ethernet interfaces to
+             be supported by the driver."
+     }
+         display "LANCEPCI ethernet driver build options"
+         flavor  none
+ 	no_define
+             display "Additional compiler flags"
+             flavor  data
+             no_define
+             default_value { "-D_KERNEL -D__ECOS" }
+             description   "
+                 This option modifies the set of compiler flags for
+                 building the LANCEPCI ethernet driver package.
+                 These flags are used in addition
+                 to the set of global flags."
+         }
+     }
+ }
diff -C5 -N -P -r -x '.*' /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/ChangeLog ./devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/ChangeLog
*** /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/ChangeLog	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
--- ./devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/ChangeLog	2003-01-29 13:19:41.000000000 +0100
*** 0 ****
--- 1,50 ----
+ 2003-01-26  Iztok Zupet  <>
+ 	* if_lancepci.c: fixed buffer reset after start,
+ 	  added additional delays (50ms)after start and control
+ 	  function, to let Vmware get a tick so that it can
+ 	  service the virtual chip. Added an interrupt controled
+ 	  transmit busy flag (cpd->txbusyh), so that the stop/start
+ 	  function can wait for it, thus not stopping the chip 
+ 	  aburptly.
+ 	* amd_lance.h: additional items in cpd data structure. 
+ 2002-07-17  Iztok Zupet  <>
+ 	* all: Cloned from PCnet original 
+ //===========================================================================
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ // This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
+ //
+ // eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ // Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ // for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ // with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ //
+ // As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
+ // or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
+ // with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
+ // by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
+ // License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
+ // in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
+ //
+ // This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
+ // this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+ //
+ // Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
+ // at
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ //===========================================================================
diff -C5 -N -P -r -x '.*' /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/src/amd_lance.h ./devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/src/amd_lance.h
*** /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/src/amd_lance.h	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
--- ./devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/src/amd_lance.h	2003-01-29 09:04:29.000000000 +0100
*** 0 ****
--- 1,532 ----
+ //==========================================================================
+ //
+ //      amd_lance.h
+ //
+ //      AMD Lance Ethernet chip
+ //
+ //==========================================================================
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ // This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
+ //
+ // eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ // Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ // for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ // with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ //
+ // As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
+ // or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
+ // with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
+ // by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
+ // License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
+ // in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
+ //
+ // This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
+ // this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+ //
+ // Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
+ // at
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // Portions of this software may have been derived from OpenBSD or other sources,
+ // and are covered by the appropriate copyright disclaimers included herein.
+ //
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ //
+ //==========================================================================
+ //
+ // Author(s):    jskov, iz
+ // Contributors: jskov, hmt, iz
+ // Date:         2002-07-17
+ // Purpose:      Hardware description of AMD Lance series.
+ // Description:  
+ //
+ //
+ //==========================================================================
+ #include <cyg/hal/hal_io.h>
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Get macros from platform header
+ #define __WANT_CONFIG
+ #undef  __WANT_CONFIG
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Set to perms of:
+ // 0 disables all debug output
+ // 1 for process debug output
+ // 2 for added data IO output: get_reg, put_reg
+ // 4 for packet allocation/free output
+ // 8 for only startup status, so we can tell we're installed OK
+ #define DEBUG 0x0
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+ #define DEBUG_FUNCTION() do { os_printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); } while (0)
+ #else
+ #define DEBUG_FUNCTION() do {} while(0)
+ #endif
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Macros for keeping track of statistics
+ #if defined(ETH_DRV_GET_IF_STATS) || defined (ETH_DRV_GET_IF_STATS_UD)
+ #endif
+ # define INCR_STAT( _x_ )        (cpd->stats. _x_ ++)
+ #else
+ # define INCR_STAT( _x_ )        CYG_EMPTY_STATEMENT
+ #endif
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Cache translation
+ #endif
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Address translation
+ #ifndef HAL_PCI_CPU_TO_BUS
+ # error "HAL PCI support must define translation macros"
+ #endif
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Macros for accessing structure elements
+ #define _SU8( _base_, _offset_) \
+         *((cyg_uint8 *)((CYG_ADDRWORD)_base_+(_offset_)))
+ #define _SU16( _base_, _offset_) \
+         *((cyg_uint16 *)((CYG_ADDRWORD)_base_+(_offset_)))
+ #define _SU32( _base_, _offset_) \
+         *((cyg_uint32 *)((CYG_ADDRWORD)_base_+(_offset_)))
+ #define _SI8( _base_, _offset_) \
+         *((cyg_int8 *)((CYG_ADDRWORD)_base_+(_offset_)))
+ #define _SI16( _base_, _offset_) \
+         *((cyg_int16 *)((CYG_ADDRWORD)_base_+(_offset_)))
+ #define _SI32( _base_, _offset_) \
+         *((cyg_int32 *)((CYG_ADDRWORD)_base_+(_offset_)))
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Macros for accessing controller registers
+ # define HAL_PCI_IO_READ_UINT8(addr, datum)   HAL_READ_UINT8(addr, datum)
+ # define HAL_PCI_IO_WRITE_UINT8(addr, datum)  HAL_WRITE_UINT8(addr, datum)
+ # define HAL_PCI_IO_READ_UINT16(addr, datum)  HAL_READ_UINT16(addr, datum)
+ # define HAL_PCI_IO_WRITE_UINT16(addr, datum) HAL_WRITE_UINT16(addr, datum)
+ # define HAL_PCI_IO_READ_UINT32(addr, datum)  HAL_READ_UINT32(addr, datum)
+ # define HAL_PCI_IO_WRITE_UINT32(addr, datum) HAL_WRITE_UINT32(addr, datum)
+ #endif
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // IO map registers
+ #define LANCE_IO_EEPROM   0x00
+ #define LANCE_IO_ID       0x0e
+ #define LANCE_IO_RDP      0x10
+ #define LANCE_IO_RAP      0x12
+ #define LANCE_IO_RESET    0x14
+ #define LANCE_IO_BDP      0x16
+ // The ID of the 79C790 is 0x5757 - that may be different in other
+ // (older) cards.
+ #define LANCE_IO_ID_KEY   0x5757
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Controller registers come in three sets: CSR, BCR and ANR. Use
+ // high-bits do differentiate, make the put/get functions do the right
+ // thing depending the state of these bits.
+ #define LANCE_RAP_MASK    0x007f
+ //#define LANCE_CSR_FLAG  0x0000        // implied
+ #define LANCE_BCR_FLAG    0x0080
+ #define LANCE_ANR_FLAG    0x0100
+ // CSR registers
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR    0
+ #define LANCE_CSR_IBA0    1
+ #define LANCE_CSR_IBA1    2
+ #define LANCE_CSR_IM      3
+ #define LANCE_CSR_TFC     4
+ #define LANCE_CSR_ECI     5
+ #define LANCE_CSR_LAR0    8
+ #define LANCE_CSR_LAR1    9
+ #define LANCE_CSR_LAR2    10
+ #define LANCE_CSR_LAR3    11
+ #define LANCE_CSR_PAR0    12
+ #define LANCE_CSR_PAR1    13
+ #define LANCE_CSR_PAR2    14
+ #define LANCE_CSR_MODE    15
+ #define LANCE_CSR_BARRL   24
+ #define LANCE_CSR_BARRU   25
+ #define LANCE_CSR_BATRL   30
+ #define LANCE_CSR_BATRU   31
+ #define LANCE_CSR_RRC     72
+ #define LANCE_CSR_TRC     74
+ #define LANCE_CSR_RRLEN   76
+ #define LANCE_CSR_TRLEN   78
+ #define LANCE_CSR_ID_LO   88
+ #define LANCE_CSR_ID_HI   89
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_ERR       0x8000
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_RES       0x4000
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_CERR      0x2000
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_MISS      0x1000
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_MERR      0x0800
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_RINT      0x0400
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_TINT      0x0200
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_IDON      0x0100
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_INTR      0x0080
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_IENA      0x0040
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_RXON      0x0020
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_TXON      0x0010
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_TDMD      0x0008
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_STOP      0x0004
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_STRT      0x0002
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_INIT      0x0001
+ #define LANCE_CSR_CSCR_EV_MASK   0x007f
+ #define LANCE_CSR_IM_MISSM       0x1000
+ #define LANCE_CSR_IM_MERRM       0x0800
+ #define LANCE_CSR_IM_RINTM       0x0400
+ #define LANCE_CSR_IM_TINTM       0x0200
+ #define LANCE_CSR_IM_IDONM       0x0100
+ #define LANCE_CSR_IM_DXSUFLO     0x0040
+ #define LANCE_CSR_IM_LAPPEN      0x0020
+ #define LANCE_CSR_IM_DXMT2PD     0x0010
+ #define LANCE_CSR_IM_EMBA        0x0008
+ #define LANCE_CSR_IM_BSWP        0x0004
+ #define LANCE_CSR_TFC_TXDPOLL    0x1000
+ #define LANCE_CSR_TFC_APAD_XMT   0x0800
+ #define LANCE_CSR_TFC_ASTRP_RCV  0x0400
+ #define LANCE_CSR_TFC_MFCO       0x0200
+ #define LANCE_CSR_TFC_MFCOM      0x0100
+ #define LANCE_CSR_TFC_UINTCMD    0x0080
+ #define LANCE_CSR_TFC_UINT       0x0040
+ #define LANCE_CSR_TFC_RCVCCO     0x0020
+ #define LANCE_CSR_TFC_RCVCCOM    0x0010
+ #define LANCE_CSR_TFC_TXSTRT     0x0008
+ #define LANCE_CSR_TFC_TXSTRTM    0x0004
+ #define LANCE_CSR_ECI_TOKINTD      0x8000
+ #define LANCE_CSR_ECI_LTINTEN      0x4000
+ #define LANCE_CSR_ECI_SINT         0x0800
+ #define LANCE_CSR_ECI_SINTE        0x0400
+ #define LANCE_CSR_ECI_EXDINT       0x0080
+ #define LANCE_CSR_ECI_EXDINTE      0x0040
+ #define LANCE_CSR_ECI_MPPLBA       0x0020
+ #define LANCE_CSR_ECI_MPINT        0x0010
+ #define LANCE_CSR_ECI_MPINTE       0x0008
+ #define LANCE_CSR_ECI_MPEN         0x0004
+ #define LANCE_CSR_ECI_MPMODE       0x0002
+ #define LANCE_CSR_ECI_SPND         0x0001
+ #define LANCE_CSR_MODE_PROM        0x8000
+ #define LANCE_CSR_MODE_DRCVBC      0x4000
+ #define LANCE_CSR_MODE_DRCVPA      0x2000
+ #define LANCE_CSR_MODE_PORTSEL     0x0180
+ #define LANCE_CSR_MODE_INTL        0x0040
+ #define LANCE_CSR_MODE_DRTY        0x0020
+ #define LANCE_CSR_MODE_FCOLL       0x0010
+ #define LANCE_CSR_MODE_DXMTFCS     0x0008
+ #define LANCE_CSR_MODE_LOOP        0x0004
+ #define LANCE_CSR_MODE_DTX         0x0002
+ #define LANCE_CSR_MODE_DRX         0x0001
+ // BCR registers
+ #define LANCE_BCR_MIIADDR_PHYAD    0x03e0
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Receive buffer Descriptor
+ #if 1
+ #define LANCE_RD_PTR       0x00        // 32 bit
+ #define LANCE_RD_BLEN      0x04        // 16 bit (2's complement, negative)
+ #define LANCE_RD_MLEN      0x06        // 16 bit
+ #define LANCE_RD_SIZE      0x08
+ #define LANCE_RD_PTR_OWN       0x80000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_PTR_ERR       0x40000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_PTR_FRAM      0x20000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_PTR_OFLO      0x10000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_PTR_CRC       0x08000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_PTR_BUFF      0x04000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_PTR_STP       0x02000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_PTR_ENP       0x01000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_PTR_MASK      0x00ffffff
+ #else
+ #define LANCE_RD_PTR       0x00
+ #define LANCE_RD_BLEN      0x04
+ #define LANCE_RD_MLEN      0x08
+ #define LANCE_RD_USER      0x0c
+ #define LANCE_RD_SIZE      0x10
+ #define LANCE_RD_BLEN_OWN       0x80000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_BLEN_ERR       0x40000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_BLEN_FRAM      0x20000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_BLEN_OFLO      0x10000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_BLEN_CRC       0x08000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_BLEN_BUFF      0x04000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_BLEN_STP       0x02000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_BLEN_ENP       0x01000000
+ #define LANCE_RD_BLEN_BPE       0x00800000
+ #define LANCE_RD_BLEN_PAM       0x00400000
+ #define LANCE_RD_BLEN_LAFM      0x00200000
+ #define LANCE_RD_BLEN_BAM       0x00100000
+ #define LANCE_RD_BLEN_MASK      0x0000ffff
+ #endif
+ // Transmit buffer Descriptor
+ #if 1
+ #define LANCE_TD_PTR       0x00        // 32 bit
+ #define LANCE_TD_LEN       0x04        // 16 bit (2's complement, negative)
+ #define LANCE_TD_MISC      0x06        // 16 bit
+ #define LANCE_TD_SIZE      0x08
+ #define LANCE_TD_PTR_OWN       0x80000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_PTR_ERR       0x40000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_PTR_ADD_FCS   0x20000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_PTR_MORE      0x10000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_PTR_ONE       0x08000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_PTR_DEF       0x04000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_PTR_STP       0x02000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_PTR_ENP       0x01000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_PTR_MASK      0x00ffffff
+ #else
+ #define LANCE_TD_PTR       0x00
+ #define LANCE_TD_LEN       0x04
+ #define LANCE_TD_MISC      0x08
+ #define LANCE_TD_USER      0x0c
+ #define LANCE_TD_SIZE      0x10
+ #define LANCE_TD_LEN_OWN       0x80000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_LEN_ERR       0x40000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_LEN_ADD_FCS   0x20000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_LEN_MORE      0x10000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_LEN_ONE       0x08000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_LEN_DEF       0x04000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_LEN_STP       0x02000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_LEN_ENP       0x01000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_LEN_BPE       0x00800000
+ #define LANCE_TD_LEN_MASK      0x0000ffff
+ #define LANCE_TD_FLAGS_BUFF     0x80000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_FLAGS_UFLO     0x40000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_FLAGS_EX_DEF   0x20000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_FLAGS_LCOL     0x10000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_FLAGS_LCAR     0x08000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_FLAGS_RTRY     0x04000000
+ #define LANCE_TD_FLAGS_TRC_MASK 0x0000000f
+ #endif
+ #define LANCE_TD_MISC_BUFF     0x8000
+ #define LANCE_TD_MISC_UFLO     0x4000
+ #define LANCE_TD_MISC_EXDEF    0x2000
+ #define LANCE_TD_MISC_LCOL     0x1000
+ #define LANCE_TD_MISC_LCAR     0x0800
+ #define LANCE_TD_MISC_RTRY     0x0400
+ #define LANCE_TD_MISC_TDR      0x03ff
+ // Initialization Buffer
+ #define LANCE_IB_MODE            0
+ #define LANCE_IB_PADR0           2
+ #define LANCE_IB_PADR1           4
+ #define LANCE_IB_PADR2           6
+ #define LANCE_IB_LADRF0          8
+ #define LANCE_IB_LADRF1          10
+ #define LANCE_IB_LADRF2          12
+ #define LANCE_IB_LADRF3          14
+ #define LANCE_IB_RDRA            16
+ #define LANCE_IB_TDRA            20
+ #define LANCE_IB_SIZE            24
+ #define LANCE_IB_TDRA_CNT_shift  29
+ #define LANCE_IB_TDRA_PTR_mask   0x00ffffff
+ #define LANCE_IB_RDRA_CNT_shift  29
+ #define LANCE_IB_RDRA_PTR_mask   0x00ffffff
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ struct amd_lancepci_stats {
+     unsigned int tx_good             ;
+     unsigned int tx_max_collisions   ;
+     unsigned int tx_late_collisions  ;
+     unsigned int tx_underrun         ;
+     unsigned int tx_carrier_loss     ;
+     unsigned int tx_deferred         ;
+     unsigned int tx_sqetesterrors    ;
+     unsigned int tx_single_collisions;
+     unsigned int tx_mult_collisions  ;
+     unsigned int tx_total_collisions ;
+     unsigned int rx_good             ;
+     unsigned int rx_crc_errors       ;
+     unsigned int rx_align_errors     ;
+     unsigned int rx_resource_errors  ;
+     unsigned int rx_overrun_errors   ;
+     unsigned int rx_collisions       ;
+     unsigned int rx_short_frames     ;
+     unsigned int rx_too_long_frames  ;
+     unsigned int rx_symbol_errors    ;
+     unsigned int interrupts          ;
+     unsigned int rx_count            ;
+     unsigned int rx_deliver          ;
+     unsigned int rx_resource         ;
+     unsigned int rx_restart          ;
+     unsigned int tx_count            ;
+     unsigned int tx_complete         ;
+     unsigned int tx_dropped          ;
+ };
+ #endif
+ typedef struct lancepci_priv_data {
+     int index;
+     cyg_uint8                           // (split up for atomic byte access)
+         found:1,                        // was hardware discovered?
+         mac_addr_ok:1,                  // can we bring up?
+         active:1,                       // has this if been brung up?
+         hardwired_esa:1,                // set if ESA is hardwired via CDL
+         txbusy:1,                       // A packet has been sent
+         txbusyh:1,                      // A packet has been sent for HW
+         spare1:2; 
+     cyg_uint16 event;
+     unsigned long txkey;                // Used to ack when packet sent
+     unsigned char* base;                // Base address of controller EPROM region
+     int interrupt;                      // Interrupt vector used by controller
+     unsigned char esa[6];            // Controller ESA
+     // Function to configure the ESA - may fetch ESA from EPROM or 
+     // RedBoot config option.
+     void (*config_esa)(struct lancepci_priv_data* cpd);
+     void *ndp;                          // Network Device Pointer
+     cyg_handle_t  interrupt_handle;
+     cyg_interrupt interrupt_object;
+     int devid;
+     cyg_uint8* rx_buffers;              // ptr to base of buffer mem
+     cyg_uint8* rx_ring;                 // ptr to base of rx ring memory
+     int rx_ring_cnt;                    // number of entries in ring
+     int rx_ring_log_cnt;                // log of above
+     int rx_ring_next;                   // index of next full ring entry
+     cyg_uint8* tx_buffers;
+     cyg_uint8* tx_ring;
+     int tx_ring_cnt;
+     int tx_ring_log_cnt;
+     int tx_ring_free;                   // index of next free ring entry
+     int tx_ring_alloc;                  // index of first controller owned ring
+     int tx_ring_owned;                  // number of controller owned ring entries
+     int rxpacket;
+     struct amd_lancepci_stats stats;
+ #endif
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+     cyg_uint32 txd;
+ #endif
+     cyg_uint8* init_table;				// lance init table pointer
+ } lancepci_priv_data;
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ static __inline__ cyg_uint16
+ get_reg(struct eth_drv_sc *sc, int regno)
+ {
+     struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd =
+         (struct lancepci_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;
+     cyg_uint16 val, addr;
+     if (regno & LANCE_ANR_FLAG) {
+         // We could do this with recursive calls to get/put reg
+         // functions, but might as well just do it directly.
+         // First set ANR address
+         HAL_PCI_IO_READ_UINT16(cpd->base+LANCE_IO_BDP, addr);
+         addr &= LANCE_BCR_MIIADDR_PHYAD;
+         addr |= (regno & LANCE_RAP_MASK);
+         HAL_PCI_IO_WRITE_UINT16(cpd->base+LANCE_IO_BDP, addr);
+         // Then read ANR register data
+         HAL_PCI_IO_READ_UINT16(cpd->base+LANCE_IO_BDP, val);
+     } else {
+         HAL_PCI_IO_WRITE_UINT16(cpd->base+LANCE_IO_RAP, regno & LANCE_RAP_MASK);
+         if (regno & LANCE_BCR_FLAG)
+             HAL_PCI_IO_READ_UINT16(cpd->base+LANCE_IO_BDP, val);
+         else
+             HAL_PCI_IO_READ_UINT16(cpd->base+LANCE_IO_RDP, val);
+     }
+ #if DEBUG & 2
+     os_printf("read %s reg %d val 0x%04x\n", 
+                 (regno & LANCE_ANR_FLAG) ? "anr" : (regno & LANCE_BCR_FLAG) ? "bcr" : "csr", 
+                 regno & LANCE_RAP_MASK, val);
+ #endif
+     return val;
+ }
+ static __inline__ void
+ put_reg(struct eth_drv_sc *sc, int regno, cyg_uint16 val)
+ {
+     struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd =
+         (struct lancepci_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;
+     cyg_uint16 addr;
+     if (regno & LANCE_ANR_FLAG) {
+         // We could do this with recursive calls to get/put reg
+         // functions, but might as well just do it directly.
+         // First set ANR address
+         HAL_PCI_IO_READ_UINT16(cpd->base+LANCE_IO_BDP, addr);
+         addr &= LANCE_BCR_MIIADDR_PHYAD;
+         addr |= (regno & LANCE_RAP_MASK);
+         HAL_PCI_IO_WRITE_UINT16(cpd->base+LANCE_IO_BDP, addr);
+         // Then write ANR register data
+         HAL_PCI_IO_WRITE_UINT16(cpd->base+LANCE_IO_BDP, val);
+     } else {
+         HAL_PCI_IO_WRITE_UINT16(cpd->base+LANCE_IO_RAP, regno & LANCE_RAP_MASK);
+         if (regno & LANCE_BCR_FLAG)
+             HAL_PCI_IO_WRITE_UINT16(cpd->base+LANCE_IO_BDP, val);
+         else
+             HAL_PCI_IO_WRITE_UINT16(cpd->base+LANCE_IO_RDP, val);
+     }
+ #if DEBUG & 2
+     os_printf("write %s reg %d val 0x%04x\n", 
+                 (regno & LANCE_ANR_FLAG) ? "anr" : (regno & LANCE_BCR_FLAG) ? "bcr" : "csr", 
+                 regno & LANCE_RAP_MASK, val);
+ #endif
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // EOF amd_lance.h
diff -C5 -N -P -r -x '.*' /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/src/if_lancepci.c ./devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/src/if_lancepci.c
*** /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/src/if_lancepci.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
--- ./devs/eth/amd/lancepci/current/src/if_lancepci.c	2003-01-29 09:04:43.000000000 +0100
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1313 ----
+ //==========================================================================
+ //
+ //      dev/if_lancepci.c
+ //
+ //      Ethernet device driver for AMD PCI Lance (for instance vmWare VLANCE)
+ //      compatible controllers
+ //
+ //==========================================================================
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ // This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
+ //
+ // eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ // Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ // for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ // with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ //
+ // As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
+ // or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
+ // with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
+ // by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
+ // License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
+ // in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
+ //
+ // This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
+ // this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+ //
+ // Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
+ // at
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // Portions of this software may have been derived from OpenBSD or other sources,
+ // and are covered by the appropriate copyright disclaimers included herein.
+ //
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ //
+ //==========================================================================
+ //
+ // Author(s):    jskov, based on lan91cxx driver by hmt & jskov, iz
+ // Contributors: gthomas, jskov, hmt, iz
+ // Date:         2002-07-17, 2003-01-26
+ // Purpose:      
+ // Description:  hardware driver for AMD Lance PCI (and possibly PCnet) 
+ //               and wmWare VLANCE ethernet
+ // Notes:        The controller is used in its 16bit mode. That means that
+ //               all addresses are 24bit only - and that all controller
+ //               accessed memory must be within the same 16MB region
+ //               (starting at 0 on older controllers).
+ //
+ //               The KEEP_STATISTICS code is not implemented yet. Look
+ //               for FIXME macro.
+ //
+ //
+ //==========================================================================
+ //
+ // Notes:        The vmWare VLACNCE virtual controller does not seem to do
+ //               anything about SUSPEND  and seems it must be reinitialized after
+ //               every STOP. In addition it lacks some registers.
+ //
+ //		 Sometimes, the driver must wait to let Vmware get a tick, to
+ //		 process the chip initialization and control functions!!!
+ //
+ //		 That's the reason for not patching the PCnet driver
+ //		 but cloning a special one from it.
+ //
+ //
+ //==========================================================================
+ #include <pkgconf/system.h>
+ #include <pkgconf/devs_eth_amd_lancepci.h>
+ #include <pkgconf/io_eth_drivers.h>
+ #include <cyg/infra/cyg_type.h>
+ #include <cyg/hal/hal_arch.h>
+ #include <cyg/hal/hal_intr.h>
+ #include <cyg/infra/cyg_ass.h>
+ #include <cyg/infra/diag.h>
+ #include <cyg/hal/drv_api.h>
+ #include <cyg/hal/hal_if.h>             // delays
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <cyg/io/eth/netdev.h>
+ #include <cyg/io/eth/eth_drv.h>
+ #ifdef CYGPKG_NET
+ #include <pkgconf/net.h>
+ #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
+ #include <net/if.h>  			// Needed for struct ifnet
+ #include <pkgconf/io_eth_drivers.h>
+ #endif
+ #ifdef CYGPKG_IO_PCI
+ #include <cyg/io/pci.h>
+ #else
+ #error "Need PCI package here"
+ #endif
+ #define FIXME 0
+ #define _BUF_SIZE 1544
+ // Then we log, OOI, the number of times we get a bad packet number
+ // from the tx done fifo.
+ int lancepci_txfifo_good = 0;
+ int lancepci_txfifo_bad = 0;
+ #endif
+ #include "amd_lance.h"
+ #define __WANT_DEVS
+ #undef  __WANT_DEVS
+ #if defined(CYGPKG_REDBOOT) && DEBUG
+ static void db_printf( char *fmt, ... )
+ {
+     extern int start_console(void);
+     extern void end_console(int);
+     va_list a;
+     int old_console;
+     va_start( a, fmt );
+     old_console = start_console();  
+     diag_vprintf( fmt, a );
+     end_console(old_console);
+     va_end( a );
+ }
+ #else
+ #define db_printf diag_printf
+ #endif
+ static struct eth_drv_sc *oursc;	//a dummy sc pointer
+ static void lancepci_poll(struct eth_drv_sc *sc);
+ // This ISR is called when the ethernet interrupt occurs
+ static cyg_uint32
+ lancepci_isr(cyg_vector_t vector, cyg_addrword_t data)
+ {
+     struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd = (struct lancepci_priv_data *)data;
+     INCR_STAT( interrupts );
+     cpd->event = get_reg(oursc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR);
+     if (cpd->event & LANCE_CSR_CSCR_TINT) 
+         cpd->txbusyh=0;				// take care of HW txbusy flag
+     cyg_drv_interrupt_mask(cpd->interrupt);
+     cyg_drv_interrupt_acknowledge(cpd->interrupt);
+     return (CYG_ISR_HANDLED|CYG_ISR_CALL_DSR);  // Run the DSR
+ }
+ static void
+ lancepci_dsr(cyg_vector_t vector, cyg_ucount32 count, cyg_addrword_t data)
+ {
+     // This conditioning out is necessary because of explicit calls to this
+     // DSR - which would not ever be called in the case of a polled mode
+     // usage ie. in RedBoot.
+     struct lancepci_priv_data* cpd = (struct lancepci_priv_data *)data;
+     struct cyg_netdevtab_entry *ndp = (struct cyg_netdevtab_entry *)(cpd->ndp);
+     struct eth_drv_sc *sc = (struct eth_drv_sc *)(ndp->device_instance);
+     // but here, it must be a *sc:
+     eth_drv_dsr( vector, count, (cyg_addrword_t)sc );
+ #else
+ #  error Empty lancepci ethernet DSR is compiled.  Is this what you want?
+ # endif
+ #endif
+ }
+ // The deliver function (ex-DSR)  handles the ethernet [logical] processing
+ static void
+ lancepci_deliver(struct eth_drv_sc *sc)
+ {
+     struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd =
+         (struct lancepci_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;
+     // Service the interrupt:
+     lancepci_poll(sc);
+     // Allow interrupts to happen again
+     cyg_drv_interrupt_unmask(cpd->interrupt);
+ }
+ static int
+ lancepci_int_vector(struct eth_drv_sc *sc)
+ {
+     struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd =
+         (struct lancepci_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;
+     return (cpd->interrupt);
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Memory management
+ //
+ // Simply carve off from the front of the PCI mapped window into real memory
+ static cyg_uint32 lancepci_heap_size;
+ static cyg_uint8 *lancepci_heap_base;
+ static cyg_uint8 *lancepci_heap_free;
+ static void*
+ pciwindow_mem_alloc(int size)
+ {
+     void *p_memory;
+     int _size = size;
+         (CYGHWR_AMD_LANCEPCI_PCI_MEM_MAP_BASE <= (int)lancepci_heap_free)
+         &&
+           CYGHWR_AMD_LANCEPCI_PCI_MEM_MAP_SIZE) > (int)lancepci_heap_free)
+         &&
+         (0 < lancepci_heap_size)
+         &&
+         (CYGHWR_AMD_LANCEPCI_PCI_MEM_MAP_SIZE >= lancepci_heap_size)
+         &&
+         (CYGHWR_AMD_LANCEPCI_PCI_MEM_MAP_BASE == (int)lancepci_heap_base),
+         "Heap variables corrupted" );
+     p_memory = (void *)0;
+     size = (size + 3) & ~3;
+     if ( (lancepci_heap_free+size) < (lancepci_heap_base+lancepci_heap_size) ) {
+         cyg_uint32 *p;
+         p_memory = (void *)lancepci_heap_free;
+         lancepci_heap_free += size;
+         for ( p = (cyg_uint32 *)p_memory; _size > 0; _size -= 4 )
+             *p++ = 0;
+     }
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+     db_printf("Allocated %d bytes at 0x%08x\n", size, p_memory);
+ #endif
+     return p_memory;
+ }
+ static cyg_pci_match_func find_lancepci_match_func;
+ static cyg_bool
+ find_lancepci_match_func( cyg_uint16 v, cyg_uint16 d, cyg_uint32 c, void *p )
+ {
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+     db_printf("PCI match vendor 0x%04x device 0x%04x\n", v, d);
+ #endif
+     return (0x1022 == v) && (0x2000 == d);
+ }
+ static int
+ pci_init_find_lancepci( void )
+ {
+     cyg_pci_device_id devid;
+     cyg_pci_device dev_info;
+     cyg_uint16 cmd;
+     int device_index;
+     int found_devices = 0;
+       "PCI window configured does not match PCI memory section base" );
+ #else
+       "PCI window configured does not match PCI memory section base" );
+ #endif
+         "PCI window configured does not match PCI memory section size" );
+     if (
+ #else
+          (CYG_ADDRWORD)CYGMEM_SECTION_pci_window !=
+ #endif
+          ||
+          CYGMEM_SECTION_pci_window_SIZE !=
+ #if DEBUG & 8
+         db_printf("pci_init_find_lancepci(): PCI window misconfigured\n");
+ #endif
+         return 0;
+     }
+     // First initialize the heap in PCI window'd memory
+     lancepci_heap_size = CYGHWR_AMD_LANCEPCI_PCI_MEM_MAP_SIZE;
+     lancepci_heap_base = (cyg_uint8 *)CYGHWR_AMD_LANCEPCI_PCI_MEM_MAP_BASE;
+     lancepci_heap_free = lancepci_heap_base;
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+     db_printf("pcimem : 0x%08x size: 0x%08x\n", lancepci_heap_base, lancepci_heap_size);
+ #endif
+     cyg_pci_init();
+ #if DEBUG & 8
+     db_printf("Finished cyg_pci_init();\n");
+ #endif
+     devid = CYG_PCI_NULL_DEVID;
+     for (device_index = 0; 
+          device_index < CYGNUM_DEVS_ETH_AMD_LANCEPCI_DEV_COUNT;
+          device_index++) {
+         struct lancepci_priv_data* cpd = lancepci_priv_array[device_index];
+         cpd->index = device_index;
+         // See above for find_lancepci_match_func - it selects any of several
+         // variants.  This is necessary in case we have multiple mixed-type
+         // devices on one board in arbitrary orders.
+         if (cyg_pci_find_matching( &find_lancepci_match_func, NULL, &devid )) {
+ #if DEBUG & 8
+             db_printf("eth%d = lancepci\n", device_index);
+ #endif
+             cyg_pci_get_device_info(devid, &dev_info);
+             cpd->interrupt_handle = 0; // Flag not attached.
+             if (cyg_pci_translate_interrupt(&dev_info, &cpd->interrupt)) {
+ #if DEBUG & 8
+                 db_printf(" Wired to HAL vector %d\n", cpd->interrupt);
+ #endif
+                 cyg_drv_interrupt_create(
+                     cpd->interrupt,
+                     1,                  // Priority - unused
+                     (cyg_addrword_t)cpd,// Data item passed to ISR & DSR
+                     lancepci_isr,          // ISR
+                     lancepci_dsr,          // DSR
+                     &cpd->interrupt_handle, // handle to intr obj
+                     &cpd->interrupt_object ); // space for int obj
+                 cyg_drv_interrupt_attach(cpd->interrupt_handle);
+                 // Don't unmask the interrupt yet, that could get us into a
+                 // race.
+             }
+             else {
+                 cpd->interrupt = 0;
+ #if DEBUG & 8
+                 db_printf(" Does not generate interrupts.\n");
+ #endif
+             }
+             if (cyg_pci_configure_device(&dev_info)) {
+ #if DEBUG & 8
+                 int i;
+                 db_printf("Found device on bus %d, devfn 0x%02x:\n",
+                           CYG_PCI_DEV_GET_BUS(devid),
+                           CYG_PCI_DEV_GET_DEVFN(devid));
+                 if (dev_info.command & CYG_PCI_CFG_COMMAND_ACTIVE) {
+                     db_printf(" Note that board is active. Probed"
+                               " sizes and CPU addresses invalid!\n");
+                 }
+                 db_printf(" Vendor    0x%04x", dev_info.vendor);
+                 db_printf("\n Device    0x%04x", dev_info.device);
+                 db_printf("\n Command   0x%04x, Status 0x%04x\n",
+                           dev_info.command, dev_info.status);
+                 db_printf(" Class/Rev 0x%08x", dev_info.class_rev);
+                 db_printf("\n Header 0x%02x\n", dev_info.header_type);
+                 db_printf(" SubVendor 0x%04x, Sub ID 0x%04x\n",
+                           dev_info.header.normal.sub_vendor, 
+                           dev_info.header.normal.sub_id);
+                 for(i = 0; i < CYG_PCI_MAX_BAR; i++) {
+                     db_printf(" BAR[%d]    0x%08x /", i, dev_info.base_address[i]);
+                     db_printf(" probed size 0x%08x / CPU addr 0x%08x\n",
+                               dev_info.base_size[i], dev_info.base_map[i]);
+                 }
+                 db_printf(" eth%d configured\n", device_index);
+ #endif
+                 found_devices++;
+                 cpd->found = 1;
+                 cpd->active = 0;
+                 cpd->devid = devid;
+                 cpd->base = (unsigned char*) dev_info.base_map[0];
+ #if DEBUG & 8
+                 db_printf(" I/O address = 0x%08x\n", cpd->base);
+ #endif
+                 // Don't use cyg_pci_set_device_info since it clears
+                 // some of the fields we want to print out below.
+                 cyg_pci_read_config_uint16(dev_info.devid,
+                                            CYG_PCI_CFG_COMMAND, &cmd);
+                 cmd |= (CYG_PCI_CFG_COMMAND_IO         // enable I/O space
+                         | CYG_PCI_CFG_COMMAND_MEMORY   // enable memory space
+                         | CYG_PCI_CFG_COMMAND_MASTER); // enable bus master
+                 cyg_pci_write_config_uint16(dev_info.devid,
+                                             CYG_PCI_CFG_COMMAND, cmd);
+                 // This is the indicator for "uses an interrupt"
+                 if (cpd->interrupt_handle != 0) {
+                     cyg_drv_interrupt_acknowledge(cpd->interrupt);
+                     cyg_drv_interrupt_unmask(cpd->interrupt);
+ #if DEBUG & 8
+                     db_printf(" Enabled interrupt %d\n", cpd->interrupt);
+ #endif
+                 }
+ #if DEBUG & 8
+                 db_printf(" **** Device enabled for I/O and Memory "
+                             "and Bus Master\n");
+ #endif
+             }
+             else {
+                 cpd->found = 0;
+                 cpd->active = 0;
+ #if DEBUG & 8
+                 db_printf("Failed to configure device %d\n", device_index);
+ #endif
+             }
+         }
+         else {
+             cpd->found = 0;
+             cpd->active = 0;
+ #if DEBUG & 8
+             db_printf("eth%d not found\n", device_index);
+ #endif
+         }
+     }
+     if (0 == found_devices)
+         return 0;
+     return 1;
+ }
+ static bool 
+ amd_lancepci_init(struct cyg_netdevtab_entry *tab)
+ {
+     static int initialized = 0; // only probe PCI et al *once*
+     struct eth_drv_sc *sc = (struct eth_drv_sc *)tab->device_instance;
+     struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd =
+         (struct lancepci_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;
+     cyg_uint16 val;
+     cyg_uint32 b;
+     cyg_uint8* p;
+     cyg_uint8* d;
+     int i;
+     if ( 0 == initialized++ ) {
+         // then this is the first time ever:
+         if ( ! pci_init_find_lancepci() ) {
+ #if DEBUG & 8
+             db_printf( "pci_init_find_lancepci failed" );
+ #endif
+             return false;
+         }
+     }
+     // If this device is not present, exit
+     if (0 == cpd->found)
+         return 0;
+ #if DEBUG & 8
+     db_printf("lancepci at base 0x%08x, EEPROM key 0x%04x\n",
+                 cpd->base, _SU16(cpd->base, LANCE_IO_ID));
+ #endif
+ #if 0
+     // FIXME: Doesn't work with non-conforming EEPROMS
+     if (LANCE_IO_ID_KEY != _SU16(cpd->base, LANCE_IO_ID) ) {
+         db_printf("Lance EPROM key not found\n");
+         return false;
+     }
+ #endif
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+     db_printf("pcimem : %08x size: %08x\n", lancepci_heap_base, lancepci_heap_size);
+ #endif
+     // Prepare ESA
+     if (!cpd->hardwired_esa) {
+         // Use the address from the serial EEPROM
+         p = cpd->base + LANCE_IO_EEPROM;
+         for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+             cpd->esa[i] = *p++;
+     }
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+     db_printf("Lance - %s ESA: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
+                 (cpd->hardwired_esa) ? "static" : "eeprom",
+                 cpd->esa[0], cpd->esa[1], cpd->esa[2],
+                 cpd->esa[3], cpd->esa[4], cpd->esa[5] );
+ #endif
+     // Prepare RX and TX rings
+     p = cpd->rx_ring = (cyg_uint8*) CYGARC_UNCACHED_ADDRESS((cyg_uint32)pciwindow_mem_alloc((1<<cpd->rx_ring_log_cnt)*LANCE_RD_SIZE));
+     memset(cpd->rx_ring,0,(1<<cpd->rx_ring_log_cnt)*LANCE_RD_SIZE);
+     d = cpd->rx_buffers = (cyg_uint8*) CYGARC_UNCACHED_ADDRESS((cyg_uint32)pciwindow_mem_alloc(_BUF_SIZE*cpd->rx_ring_cnt));
+     memset(cpd->rx_buffers,0,_BUF_SIZE*cpd->rx_ring_cnt);
+     for (i = 0; i < cpd->rx_ring_cnt; i++) {
+         HAL_PCI_CPU_TO_BUS(d, b);
+         _SU32(p, LANCE_RD_PTR) = (b & LANCE_RD_PTR_MASK) | LANCE_RD_PTR_OWN;
+         _SU16(p, LANCE_RD_BLEN) = (-_BUF_SIZE);
+         p += LANCE_RD_SIZE;
+         d += _BUF_SIZE;
+     }
+     cpd->rx_ring_next = 0;
+     p = cpd->tx_ring = (cyg_uint8*) CYGARC_UNCACHED_ADDRESS((cyg_uint32)pciwindow_mem_alloc((1<<cpd->tx_ring_log_cnt)*LANCE_TD_SIZE));
+     memset(cpd->tx_ring,0,(1<<cpd->tx_ring_log_cnt)*LANCE_TD_SIZE);
+     d = cpd->tx_buffers = (cyg_uint8*) CYGARC_UNCACHED_ADDRESS((cyg_uint32)pciwindow_mem_alloc(_BUF_SIZE*cpd->tx_ring_cnt));
+     for (i = 0; i < cpd->tx_ring_cnt; i++) {
+         HAL_PCI_CPU_TO_BUS(d, b);
+         _SU32(p, LANCE_RD_PTR) = b & LANCE_TD_PTR_MASK;
+         p += LANCE_TD_SIZE;
+         d += _BUF_SIZE;
+     }
+     cpd->tx_ring_free = cpd->tx_ring_alloc = cpd->tx_ring_owned = 0;
+     // Initialization table
+     cpd->init_table = (cyg_uint8*)CYGARC_UNCACHED_ADDRESS((cyg_uint32)pciwindow_mem_alloc(LANCE_IB_SIZE));
+     _SU16(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_MODE) = 0x0000;
+     for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+         _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_PADR0+i) = cpd->esa[i];
+     for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+         _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_LADRF0+i) = 0;
+     HAL_PCI_CPU_TO_BUS(cpd->rx_ring, b);
+     _SU32(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_RDRA) = ((b & LANCE_IB_RDRA_PTR_mask)
+                                         | (cpd->rx_ring_log_cnt << LANCE_IB_RDRA_CNT_shift));
+     HAL_PCI_CPU_TO_BUS(cpd->tx_ring, b);
+     _SU32(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_TDRA) = ((b & LANCE_IB_TDRA_PTR_mask)
+                                         | (cpd->tx_ring_log_cnt << LANCE_IB_TDRA_CNT_shift));
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+     db_printf("Loading up lance controller from table at 0x%08x\n", cpd->init_table);
+     db_printf(" Mode 0x%04x\n", _SU16(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_MODE));
+     db_printf(" PADR %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ",
+                 _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_PADR0+0), _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_PADR0+1),
+                 _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_PADR0+2), _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_PADR0+3),
+                 _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_PADR0+4), _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_PADR0+5));
+     db_printf("LADR %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
+                 _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_LADRF0+0), _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_LADRF0+1),
+                 _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_LADRF0+2), _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_LADRF0+3),
+                 _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_LADRF0+4), _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_LADRF0+5),
+                 _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_LADRF0+5), _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_LADRF0+7));
+     db_printf(" RX 0x%08x (len %d) TX 0x%08x (len %d)\n",
+                 _SU32(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_RDRA) & 0x1fffffff,
+                 (_SU32(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_RDRA) >> LANCE_IB_RDRA_CNT_shift) & 7,
+                 _SU32(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_TDRA) & 0x1fffffff,
+                 (_SU32(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_TDRA) >> LANCE_IB_TDRA_CNT_shift) & 7);
+ #endif
+     // Reset chip
+     HAL_PCI_IO_READ_UINT16(cpd->base+LANCE_IO_RESET, val);
+     // Load up chip with buffers.
+     // Note: There is a 16M limit on the addresses used by the driver
+     // since the top 8 bits of the init_table address is appended to
+     // all other addresses used by the controller.
+     HAL_PCI_CPU_TO_BUS(cpd->init_table, b);
+     put_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_IBA0, (b >>  0) & 0xffff);
+     put_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_IBA1, (b >> 16) & 0xffff);
+     // Disable automatic TX polling (_send will force a poll), pad
+     // XT frames to legal length, mask status interrupts.
+                                 | LANCE_CSR_TFC_MFCOM | LANCE_CSR_TFC_RCVCCOM
+                                 | LANCE_CSR_TFC_TXSTRTM));
+     // Recover after TX FIFO underflow
+     put_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_IM, LANCE_CSR_IM_DXSUFLO);
+     // Initialize controller - load up init_table
+     while (0 == (get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR) & LANCE_CSR_CSCR_IDON));
+     // Stop controller
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+     db_printf("lancepci controller state is now:\n");
+     db_printf(" Mode 0x%04x  TFC 0x%04x\n", _SU16(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_MODE), get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_TFC));
+     db_printf(" PADR %04x:%04x:%04x ",
+                 get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_PAR0),
+                 get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_PAR1),
+                 get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_PAR2));
+     db_printf("LADR %04x:%04x:%04x:%04x\n",
+                 get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_LAR0),
+                 get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_LAR1),
+                 get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_LAR2),
+                 get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_LAR3));
+     db_printf(" RX 0x%04x%04x (len 0x%04x) TX 0x%04x%04x (len 0x%04x)\n",
+                 get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_BARRU), get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_BARRL), 
+                 get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_RRLEN),
+                 get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_BATRU), get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_BATRL), 
+                 get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_TRLEN));
+     val = get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_ID_LO);
+     db_printf("lancepci ID 0x%04x (%s) ",
+                 val, 
+                 (0x5003 == val) ? "Am79C973" : (0x7003 == val) ? "Am79C975" : 
+ 		        (0x1003 == val) ? "Am79C900 or wmWare VLANCE" : "Unknown");
+     val = get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_ID_HI);
+     db_printf("Part IDU 0x%03x Silicon rev %d\n",
+                 val & 0x0fff, (val >> 12) & 0xf);
+ #endif
+     // and record the net dev pointer
+     cpd->ndp = (void *)tab;
+     cpd->active = 0;
+     oursc=sc;
+     // Initialize upper level driver
+     (sc->funs->eth_drv->init)(sc, cpd->esa);
+     cpd->txbusyh=cpd->txbusy=0;
+     cpd->event=0;
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+     db_printf("Init Done\n");
+ #endif
+     return true;
+ }
+ static void
+ lancepci_stop(struct eth_drv_sc *sc)
+ {
+     cyg_uint32 b;
+     struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd =
+         (struct lancepci_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;
+     if (!cpd->active)
+         return;
+     if (cpd->txbusyh) {
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+         db_printf("Lancepci-stop:waiting for tx empty\n");
+ #endif
+         b=100;
+         while (cpd->txbusyh && b) {
+ 	    b--;
+ 	 }
+     }
+     cpd->active = 0;
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+     db_printf("Lancepci-stop:done\n");
+ #endif
+ }
+ //
+ // This function is called to "start up" the interface.  It may be called
+ // multiple times, even when the hardware is already running.  It will be
+ // called whenever something "hardware oriented" changes and should leave
+ // the hardware ready to send/receive packets.
+ //
+ static void
+ lancepci_start(struct eth_drv_sc *sc, unsigned char *enaddr, int flags)
+ {
+     cyg_uint16 reg;
+     cyg_uint32 b;
+     struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd =
+         (struct lancepci_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;
+ #ifdef CYGPKG_NET
+     struct ifnet *ifp = &sc->sc_arpcom.ac_if;
+ #endif
+     // If device is already active, stop it
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+ 	db_printf("Lancepci-start:entered\n");
+ #endif
+     if (cpd->active)
+      {
+         if (cpd->txbusyh) {
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+ 	    db_printf("Lancepci-start:waiting for tx empty\n");
+ #endif
+ 	    b=100;
+      	    while (cpd->txbusyh && b) {
+ 	        CYGACC_CALL_IF_DELAY_US(200);
+ 		b--;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     	put_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR, LANCE_CSR_CSCR_STOP);
+     	cpd->active = 0;
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+     	db_printf("Lancepci-start:stopped\n");
+ #endif
+     }
+ #ifdef CYGPKG_NET
+     if (( 0
+          != (flags & ETH_DRV_FLAGS_PROMISC_MODE)
+ #endif
+         ) || (ifp->if_flags & IFF_PROMISC)
+         ) {
+         // Then we select promiscuous mode.
+     	_SU16(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_MODE) = 0x0000|LANCE_CSR_MODE_PROM;
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+ 	db_printf("Promisc MODE!");
+ #endif
+     }
+     else _SU16(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_MODE) = 0x0000;
+ #endif
+     cpd->rx_ring_next = 0;
+     cpd->tx_ring_free = cpd->tx_ring_alloc = cpd->tx_ring_owned = 0;
+     // Init the chip again
+     HAL_PCI_CPU_TO_BUS(cpd->init_table, b);
+     put_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_IBA0, (b >>  0) & 0xffff);
+     put_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_IBA1, (b >> 16) & 0xffff);
+     // Disable automatic TX polling (_send will force a poll), pad
+     // XT frames to legal length, mask status interrupts.
+                                 | LANCE_CSR_TFC_MFCOM | LANCE_CSR_TFC_RCVCCOM
+                                 | LANCE_CSR_TFC_TXSTRTM));
+     // Recover after TX FIFO underflow
+     put_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_IM, LANCE_CSR_IM_DXSUFLO);
+     // Initialize controller - load up init_table
+     while (0 == (get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR) & LANCE_CSR_CSCR_IDON));
+ 	reg=get_reg(sc,LANCE_CSR_CSCR);
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+ 	reg=get_reg(sc,LANCE_CSR_CSCR);
+ 	db_printf("CSR after start = %4x\n",reg);
+ #endif
+     cpd->active = 1; cpd->txbusy=0; cpd->txbusyh=0;
+     // delay is necessary for Vmware to get a tick !!!
+ }
+ //
+ // This routine is called to perform special "control" opertions
+ //
+ static int
+ lancepci_control(struct eth_drv_sc *sc, unsigned long key,
+                void *data, int data_length)
+ {
+     cyg_uint8 *esa = (cyg_uint8 *)data;
+     int i, res;
+     cyg_uint16 reg;
+     struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd =
+         (struct lancepci_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+ 	db_printf("Lancepci-control:entered\n");
+ #endif
+     res = 0;                            // expect success
+     switch (key) {
+         case ETH_DRV_SET_MAC_ADDRESS:
+ #if 9 & DEBUG
+             db_printf("PCNET - set ESA: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
+                 esa[0], esa[1], esa[2], esa[3], esa[4], esa[5] );
+ #endif // DEBUG
+             for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(cpd->esa);  i++ )
+                 cpd->esa[i] = esa[i];
+             for (i = 0;  i < sizeof(cpd->esa);  i += 2) {
+                 reg = cpd->esa[i] | (cpd->esa[i+1] << 8);
+                 put_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_PAR0+i/2, reg );
+             }
+             for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)	// in case of later restart
+                 _SU8(cpd->init_table, LANCE_IB_PADR0+i) = cpd->esa[i];
+             break;
+         case ETH_DRV_GET_MAC_ADDRESS:
+             // Extract the MAC address that is in the chip, and tell the
+             // system about it.
+             for (i = 0;  i < sizeof(cpd->esa);  i += 2) {
+                 cyg_uint16 z = get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_PAR0+i/2 );
+                 esa[i] =   (cyg_uint8)(0xff & z);
+                 esa[i+1] = (cyg_uint8)(0xff & (z >> 8));
+             }
+             break;
+ #endif
+         case ETH_DRV_GET_IF_STATS_UD: // UD == UPDATE
+ #endif
+         // drop through
+         case ETH_DRV_GET_IF_STATS:
+ #endif
+ #if defined(ETH_DRV_GET_IF_STATS) || defined (ETH_DRV_GET_IF_STATS_UD)
+         {
+             struct ether_drv_stats *p = (struct ether_drv_stats *)data;
+             // Chipset entry is no longer supported; RFC1573.
+             for ( i = 0; i < SNMP_CHIPSET_LEN; i++ )
+                 p->snmp_chipset[i] = 0;
+             // This perhaps should be a config opt, so you can make up your own
+             // description, or supply it from the instantiation.
+             strcpy( p->description, "AMD LancePCI" );
+             // CYG_ASSERT( 48 > strlen(p->description), "Description too long" );
+             p->operational = 3;         // LINK UP
+             p->duplex = 2;              // 2 = SIMPLEX
+             p->speed = 10 * 1000000;
+ #if FIXME
+             {
+                 struct amd_lancepci_stats *ps = &(cpd->stats);
+                 // Admit to it...
+                 p->supports_dot3        = true;
+                 p->tx_good              = ps->tx_good             ;
+                 p->tx_max_collisions    = ps->tx_max_collisions   ;
+                 p->tx_late_collisions   = ps->tx_late_collisions  ;
+                 p->tx_underrun          = ps->tx_underrun         ;
+                 p->tx_carrier_loss      = ps->tx_carrier_loss     ;
+                 p->tx_deferred          = ps->tx_deferred         ;
+                 p->tx_sqetesterrors     = ps->tx_sqetesterrors    ;
+                 p->tx_single_collisions = ps->tx_single_collisions;
+                 p->tx_mult_collisions   = ps->tx_mult_collisions  ;
+                 p->tx_total_collisions  = ps->tx_total_collisions ;
+                 p->rx_good              = ps->rx_good             ;
+                 p->rx_crc_errors        = ps->rx_crc_errors       ;
+                 p->rx_align_errors      = ps->rx_align_errors     ;
+                 p->rx_resource_errors   = ps->rx_resource_errors  ;
+                 p->rx_overrun_errors    = ps->rx_overrun_errors   ;
+                 p->rx_collisions        = ps->rx_collisions       ;
+                 p->rx_short_frames      = ps->rx_short_frames     ;
+                 p->rx_too_long_frames   = ps->rx_too_long_frames  ;
+                 p->rx_symbol_errors     = ps->rx_symbol_errors    ;
+                 p->interrupts           = ps->interrupts          ;
+                 p->rx_count             = ps->rx_count            ;
+                 p->rx_deliver           = ps->rx_deliver          ;
+                 p->rx_resource          = ps->rx_resource         ;
+                 p->rx_restart           = ps->rx_restart          ;
+                 p->tx_count             = ps->tx_count            ;
+                 p->tx_complete          = ps->tx_complete         ;
+                 p->tx_dropped           = ps->tx_dropped          ;
+             }
+ #endif // FIXME
+             p->tx_queue_len = 1;
+             break;
+         }  
+ #endif
+         default:
+             res = 1;
+             break;
+     }
+ #if DEBUG & 9
+     db_printf("Lancepci-control:done\n");
+ #endif
+     CYGACC_CALL_IF_DELAY_US(50000);	// let VMware get a tick
+     return res;
+ }
+ //
+ // This routine is called to see if it is possible to send another packet.
+ // It will return non-zero if a transmit is possible, zero otherwise.
+ //
+ static int
+ lancepci_can_send(struct eth_drv_sc *sc)
+ {
+     struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd =
+         (struct lancepci_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;
+     return (0 == cpd->txbusy);
+ }
+ //
+ // This routine is called to send data to the hardware.
+ static void 
+ lancepci_send(struct eth_drv_sc *sc, struct eth_drv_sg *sg_list, int sg_len, 
+             int total_len, unsigned long key)
+ {
+     struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd = 
+         (struct lancepci_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;
+     int i, len, plen, ring_entry;
+     cyg_uint8* sdata = NULL;
+     cyg_uint8 *d, *buf, *txd;
+     cyg_uint16 ints;
+     cyg_uint32 b;
+     INCR_STAT( tx_count );
+     cpd->txbusy = 1; cpd->txbusyh=1;
+     cpd->txkey = key;
+     // Find packet length
+     plen = 0;
+     for (i = 0;  i < sg_len;  i++)
+         plen += sg_list[i].len;
+     CYG_ASSERT( plen == total_len, "sg data length mismatch" );
+     // Get next TX descriptor
+     ring_entry = cpd->tx_ring_free;
+     do {
+         if (cpd->tx_ring_owned == cpd->tx_ring_cnt) {
+             // Is this a dead end? Probably is.
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+             db_printf("%s: Allocation failed! Retrying...\n", __FUNCTION__ );
+ #endif
+             continue;
+         }
+         cpd->tx_ring_free++;
+         cpd->tx_ring_owned++;
+         if (cpd->tx_ring_free == cpd->tx_ring_cnt)
+             cpd->tx_ring_free = 0;
+     } while (0);
+     txd = cpd->tx_ring + ring_entry*LANCE_TD_SIZE;
+     buf = cpd->tx_buffers + ring_entry*_BUF_SIZE;
+     CYG_ASSERT(0 == (_SU32(txd, LANCE_TD_PTR) & LANCE_TD_PTR_OWN),
+                "TX descriptor not free");
+ #if DEBUG & 4
+     db_printf("#####Tx descriptor 0x%08x buffer 0x%08x\n",
+                 txd, buf);
+ #endif
+     // Put data into buffer
+     d = buf;
+     for (i = 0;  i < sg_len;  i++) {
+         sdata = (cyg_uint8 *)sg_list[i].buf;
+         len = sg_list[i].len;
+         CYG_ASSERT( sdata, "No sg data pointer here" );
+         while(len--)
+             *d++ = *sdata++;
+     }
+     CYG_ASSERT( sdata, "No sg data pointer outside" );
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+     db_printf("CSCR %04x\n", get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR));
+ #endif
+     _SU16(txd, LANCE_TD_LEN) = (-plen);
+     _SU16(txd, LANCE_TD_MISC) = 0;
+     HAL_PCI_CPU_TO_BUS(buf, b);
+     _SU32(txd, LANCE_TD_PTR) = ((b & LANCE_TD_PTR_MASK)
+                                 | LANCE_TD_PTR_OWN | LANCE_TD_PTR_STP | LANCE_TD_PTR_ENP);
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+     db_printf("Last TX: LEN %04x MISC %04x PTR %08x\n", 
+                 _SU16(txd, LANCE_TD_LEN),
+                 _SU16(txd, LANCE_TD_MISC),
+                 _SU32(txd, LANCE_TD_PTR));
+ #endif
+     // This delay seems to be necessary on some platforms 
+     // (Malta 5kc for example).
+     // Why it is needed is not clear, but removing it or
+     // reducing it cause transmission failures in RedBoot (at least).
+     // Set transmit demand
+     ints = get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR);
+     ints &= LANCE_CSR_CSCR_EV_MASK;
+     ints |= LANCE_CSR_CSCR_TDMD;
+     put_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR, ints);
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+     ints = get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR);
+     db_printf("%s:END: ints at TX: 0x%04x\n", __FUNCTION__, ints);
+ #endif
+     // This is another mystery delay like the one above. This one is
+     // even stranger, since waiting here at the _end_ of the function
+     // should have no effect.
+ }
+ static void
+ lancepci_TxEvent(struct eth_drv_sc *sc, int stat)
+ {
+      struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd =
+         (struct lancepci_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;
+     int success = 1;
+     cyg_uint8 *txd;
+     cyg_uint16 ints;
+     cyg_uint32 pkt_stat;
+     if (0 == cpd->tx_ring_owned) {
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+         db_printf("%s: got TX completion when no outstanding packets\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ #endif
+         return;
+     }
+     INCR_STAT( tx_complete );
+     txd = cpd->tx_ring + cpd->tx_ring_alloc*LANCE_TD_SIZE;
+     pkt_stat = _SU32(txd, LANCE_TD_PTR);
+     if (pkt_stat & LANCE_TD_PTR_OWN) {
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+         db_printf("%s: got TX completion when buffer is still owned\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ #endif
+         // first dirty ring entry not freed - wtf?
+     }
+     if (pkt_stat & LANCE_TD_PTR_ERR) {
+         // We had an error. Tell the stack.
+         success = 0;
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+         db_printf("%s: TX failure, retrying...\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ #endif
+     }
+     cpd->tx_ring_alloc++;
+     if (cpd->tx_ring_alloc == cpd->tx_ring_cnt)
+         cpd->tx_ring_alloc = 0;
+     cpd->tx_ring_owned--;
+ #if FIXME
+     {
+         cyg_uint16 reg;
+         reg = get_reg( sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR );
+         // Covering each bit in turn...
+         if ( reg & LANCE_STATUS_TX_UNRN   ) INCR_STAT( tx_underrun );
+         //if ( reg & LANCE_STATUS_LINK_OK ) INCR_STAT(  );
+         //if ( reg & LANCE_STATUS_CTR_ROL ) INCR_STAT(  );
+         //if ( reg & LANCE_STATUS_EXC_DEF ) INCR_STAT(  );
+         if ( reg & LANCE_STATUS_LOST_CARR ) INCR_STAT( tx_carrier_loss );
+         if ( reg & LANCE_STATUS_LATCOL    ) INCR_STAT( tx_late_collisions );
+         //if ( reg & LANCE_STATUS_WAKEUP  ) INCR_STAT(  );
+         if ( reg & LANCE_STATUS_TX_DEFR   ) INCR_STAT( tx_deferred );
+         //if ( reg & LANCE_STATUS_LTX_BRD ) INCR_STAT(  );
+         if ( reg & LANCE_STATUS_SQET      ) INCR_STAT( tx_sqetesterrors );
+         if ( reg & LANCE_STATUS_16COL     ) INCR_STAT( tx_max_collisions );
+         //if ( reg & LANCE_STATUS_LTX_MULT) INCR_STAT(  );
+         if ( reg & LANCE_STATUS_MUL_COL   ) INCR_STAT( tx_mult_collisions );
+         if ( reg & LANCE_STATUS_SNGL_COL  ) INCR_STAT( tx_single_collisions );
+         if ( reg & LANCE_STATUS_TX_SUC    ) INCR_STAT( tx_good );
+         cpd->stats.tx_total_collisions = 
+             cpd->stats.tx_late_collisions + 
+             cpd->stats.tx_max_collisions + 
+             cpd->stats.tx_mult_collisions + 
+             cpd->stats.tx_single_collisions;
+         // We do not need to look in the Counter Register (LANCE_COUNTER)
+         // because it just mimics the info we already have above.
+     }
+ #endif // FIXME
+     // Ack the TX int which clears the packet from the TX completion
+     // queue.
+     ints = get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR);
+     ints |= LANCE_CSR_CSCR_TINT;
+     put_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR, ints);
+ #if DEBUG & 4
+     db_printf("#####Tx packet freed 0x%08x\n", txd );
+ #endif
+     if ( cpd->txbusy ) {
+         cpd->txbusy = 0;
+         (sc->funs->eth_drv->tx_done)(sc, cpd->txkey, success);
+     }
+ }
+ //
+ // This function is called when a packet has been received.  Its job is
+ // to prepare to unload the packet from the hardware.  Once the length of
+ // the packet is known, the upper layer of the driver can be told.  When
+ // the upper layer is ready to unload the packet, the internal function
+ // 'lancepci_recv' will be called to actually fetch it from the hardware.
+ //
+ static void
+ lancepci_RxEvent(struct eth_drv_sc *sc)
+ {
+     struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd = 
+         (struct lancepci_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;
+     cyg_uint8 *rxd;
+     cyg_uint32 rstat;
+     cyg_uint16 ints, len;
+     ints = get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR);
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+     db_printf("RxEvent - CSR: 0x%04x\n", ints);
+ #endif
+     while (1) {
+         // Get state of next (supposedly) full ring entry
+         cpd->rxpacket = cpd->rx_ring_next;
+         rxd = cpd->rx_ring + cpd->rxpacket*LANCE_RD_SIZE;
+         rstat = _SU32(rxd, LANCE_RD_PTR);
+         // Keep going until we hit an entry that is owned by the
+         // controller.
+         if (rstat & LANCE_RD_PTR_OWN) {
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+             int i;
+             for (i = 0; i < cpd->rx_ring_cnt; i++) {
+                 rxd = cpd->rx_ring + i*LANCE_RD_SIZE;
+                 rstat = _SU32(rxd, LANCE_RD_PTR);
+                 if (!(rstat & LANCE_RD_PTR_OWN)) {
+                     int i;
+                     cyg_uint32 rstat;
+                     cyg_uint16 mlen, blen;
+                     cyg_uint8* rxd;
+                     db_printf("%s: Inconsistent RX state\n", __FUNCTION__);
+                     for (i = 0; i < cpd->rx_ring_cnt; i++) {
+                         rxd = cpd->rx_ring + i*LANCE_RD_SIZE;
+                         rstat = _SU32(rxd, LANCE_RD_PTR);
+                         blen = _SU16(rxd, LANCE_RD_BLEN);
+                         mlen = _SU16(rxd, LANCE_RD_MLEN);
+                         db_printf(" %02d: 0x%08x:0x%04x:0x%04x\n", i, rstat, blen, mlen);
+                     }
+                 }
+             }
+ #endif
+             break;
+         }
+ #if DEBUG & 4
+         db_printf("#####Rx packet at index %d\n", cpd->rxpacket);
+ #endif
+         // Increment counts
+         INCR_STAT( rx_count );
+         cpd->rx_ring_next++;
+         if (cpd->rx_ring_next == cpd->rx_ring_cnt) cpd->rx_ring_next = 0;
+         len = _SU16(rxd, LANCE_RD_MLEN);
+         //if ( rstat & LANCE_RD_PTR_FRAM ) INCR_STAT( rx_frame_errors );
+         //if ( rstat & LANCE_RD_PTR_OFLO ) INCR_STAT(  );
+         if ( rstat & LANCE_RD_PTR_CRC ) INCR_STAT( rx_crc_errors );
+         //if ( rstat & LANCE_RD_PTR_BUFF ) INCR_STAT(  );
+         if (0 == (rstat & LANCE_RD_PTR_ERR)) {
+             // It's OK
+             INCR_STAT( rx_good );
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+             db_printf("RxEvent good rx - stat: 0x%08x, len: 0x%04x\n", rstat, len);
+ #endif
+             // Check for bogusly short packets; can happen in promisc
+             // mode: Asserted against and checked by upper layer
+             // driver.
+ #ifdef CYGPKG_NET
+             if ( len > sizeof( struct ether_header ) )
+                 // then it is acceptable; offer the data to the network stack
+ #endif
+                 (sc->funs->eth_drv->recv)(sc, len);
+         } else {
+             // Not OK for one reason or another...
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+             db_printf("RxEvent - No RX bit: stat: 0x%08x, len: 0x%04x\n",
+                         rstat, len);
+ #endif
+         }
+         // Free packet (clear all status flags, and set OWN)
+         _SU32(rxd, LANCE_RD_PTR) &= LANCE_RD_PTR_MASK;
+         _SU32(rxd, LANCE_RD_PTR) |= LANCE_RD_PTR_OWN;
+     }
+     // Ack RX interrupt set
+     ints = get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR);
+     ints &= LANCE_CSR_CSCR_EV_MASK;
+     ints |= LANCE_CSR_CSCR_RINT;
+     put_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR, ints);
+ }
+ //
+ // This function is called as a result of the "eth_drv_recv()" call above.
+ // Its job is to actually fetch data for a packet from the hardware once
+ // memory buffers have been allocated for the packet.  Note that the buffers
+ // may come in pieces, using a scatter-gather list.  This allows for more
+ // efficient processing in the upper layers of the stack.
+ //
+ static void
+ lancepci_recv(struct eth_drv_sc *sc, struct eth_drv_sg *sg_list, int sg_len)
+ {
+     struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd = 
+         (struct lancepci_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;
+     int i, mlen=0, plen;
+     cyg_uint8 *data, *rxd, *buf;
+     rxd = cpd->rx_ring + cpd->rxpacket*LANCE_RD_SIZE;
+     buf = cpd->rx_buffers + cpd->rxpacket*_BUF_SIZE;
+     INCR_STAT( rx_deliver );
+     plen = _SU16(rxd, LANCE_RD_MLEN);
+     for (i = 0;  i < sg_len;  i++) {
+         data = (cyg_uint8*)sg_list[i].buf;
+         mlen = sg_list[i].len;
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+         db_printf("%s : mlen %x, plen %x\n", __FUNCTION__, mlen, plen);
+ #endif
+         if (data) {
+             while (mlen > 0) {
+                 *data++ = *buf++;
+                 mlen--;
+                 plen--;
+             }
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ static void
+ lancepci_poll(struct eth_drv_sc *sc)
+ {
+     cyg_uint16 event;
+     struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd = 
+         (struct lancepci_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;
+     while (1) {
+         // Get the (unmasked) requests
+ 	if (cpd->event) {
+ 	    event=cpd->event;
+ 	    cpd->event=0;
+ 	}
+ 	else
+             event = get_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR);
+         if (!((LANCE_CSR_CSCR_ERR|LANCE_CSR_CSCR_INTR) & event))
+             break;
+         if (event & LANCE_CSR_CSCR_RINT) {
+             lancepci_RxEvent(sc);
+         }
+         else if (event & LANCE_CSR_CSCR_TINT) {
+ 	    cpd->txbusyh=0;		// again , for polled mode
+             lancepci_TxEvent(sc, event);
+         } 
+         else if (event & LANCE_CSR_CSCR_MISS) {
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+             int i;
+             cyg_uint32 rstat;
+             cyg_uint16 mlen, blen;
+             cyg_uint8* rxd;
+             struct lancepci_priv_data *cpd = 
+                 (struct lancepci_priv_data *)sc->driver_private;
+             db_printf("%s: Ran out of RX buffers (%04x)\n", __FUNCTION__, event);
+             for (i = 0; i < cpd->rx_ring_cnt; i++) {
+                 rxd = cpd->rx_ring + i*LANCE_TD_SIZE;
+                 rstat = _SU32(rxd, LANCE_RD_PTR);
+                 blen = _SU16(rxd, LANCE_RD_BLEN);
+                 mlen = _SU16(rxd, LANCE_RD_MLEN);
+                 db_printf(" %02d: 0x%08x:0x%04x:0x%04x\n", i, rstat, blen, mlen);
+             }
+ #endif
+             event &= LANCE_CSR_CSCR_EV_MASK;
+             event |= LANCE_CSR_CSCR_MISS;
+             put_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR, event);
+         }
+         else {
+ #if DEBUG & 1
+             db_printf("%s: Unknown interrupt: 0x%04x\n", __FUNCTION__, event);
+ #endif
+             put_reg(sc, LANCE_CSR_CSCR, event);
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ // EOF if_lancepci.c
diff -C5 -N -P -r -x '.*' /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/devs/eth/i386/pc/lancepci/current/cdl/i386_pc_lancepci_eth_drivers.cdl ./devs/eth/i386/pc/lancepci/current/cdl/i386_pc_lancepci_eth_drivers.cdl
*** /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/devs/eth/i386/pc/lancepci/current/cdl/i386_pc_lancepci_eth_drivers.cdl	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
--- ./devs/eth/i386/pc/lancepci/current/cdl/i386_pc_lancepci_eth_drivers.cdl	2003-01-29 09:06:16.000000000 +0100
*** 0 ****
--- 1,129 ----
+ # ====================================================================
+ #
+ #      pc_lancepci_eth_drivers.cdl
+ #
+ #      Ethernet drivers - support for AMD Lance PCI ethernet controller
+ #      on the i386 PC (also wmWare)
+ #
+ # ====================================================================
+ ## -------------------------------------------
+ ## This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
+ ## Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
+ ##
+ ## eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ ## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ ## Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ ##
+ ## eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ ## WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ ## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ ## for more details.
+ ##
+ ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ ## with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ ##
+ ## As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
+ ## or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
+ ## with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
+ ## by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
+ ## License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
+ ## in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
+ ##
+ ## This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
+ ## this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+ ##
+ ## Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
+ ## at
+ ## -------------------------------------------
+ # ====================================================================
+ #
+ # Author(s):      iz
+ # Contributors:
+ # Date:           2002-07-17
+ #
+ #
+ # ====================================================================
+ cdl_package CYGPKG_DEVS_ETH_I386_PC_LANCEPCI {
+     display       "PC Lance PCI board ethernet driver"
+     description   "Ethernet driver for PCI Lance."
+     parent        CYGPKG_IO_ETH_DRIVERS
+     active_if	  CYGPKG_IO_ETH_DRIVERS
+     include_dir   cyg/io
+     # FIXME: This really belongs in the AMD_LANCEPCI package
+         display   "AMD Lance PCI ethernet driver required"
+     }
+     define_proc {
+         puts $::cdl_system_header "/***** ethernet driver proc output start *****/"
+         puts $::cdl_system_header "#define CYGDAT_DEVS_ETH_AMD_LANCEPCI_INL <cyg/io/devs_eth_i386_pc_lancepci.inl>"
+         puts $::cdl_system_header "#define CYGDAT_DEVS_ETH_AMD_LANCEPCI_CFG <pkgconf/devs_eth_i386_pc_lancepci.h>"
+         puts $::cdl_system_header "/*****  ethernet driver proc output end  *****/"
+     }
+     cdl_component CYGPKG_DEVS_ETH_I386_PC_LANCEPCI_ETH0 {
+         display       "Lance PCI ethernet port 0 driver"
+         flavor        bool
+         default_value 1
+         description   "
+             This option includes the ethernet device driver for the
+             PC (vmWare) Lance PCI port 0."
+         implements CYGHWR_NET_DRIVERS
+         implements CYGHWR_NET_DRIVER_ETH0
+             display       "Size of RX ring for ETH0"
+             flavor        data
+             default_value 4
+             legal_values  { 4 8 16 32 64 128 }
+             description   "
+                 This option sets the size of the RX ring."
+         }
+             display       "Size of TX ring for ETH0"
+             flavor        data
+             default_value 4
+             legal_values  { 4 8 16 32 64 128 }
+             description   "
+                 This option sets the size of the TX ring."
+         }
+         cdl_option CYGDAT_DEVS_ETH_I386_PC_LANCEPCI_ETH0_NAME {
+             display       "Device name for the ETH0 ethernet port 0 driver"
+             flavor        data
+             default_value {"\"eth0\""}
+             description   "
+                 This option sets the name of the ethernet device for the
+                 PC Lance port 0."
+         }
+         cdl_component CYGSEM_DEVS_ETH_I386_PC_LANCEPCI_ETH0_SET_ESA {
+             display       "Set the ethernet station address"
+             flavor        bool
+             default_value   0
+             description   "Enabling this option will allow the ethernet
+             station address to be forced to the value set by the
+             configuration.  This may be required if the hardware does
+             not include a serial EEPROM for the ESA."
+             cdl_option CYGDAT_DEVS_ETH_I386_PC_LANCEPCI_ETH0_ESA {
+                 display       "The ethernet station address"
+                 flavor        data
+                 default_value {"{0x08, 0x88, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78}"}
+                 description   "The ethernet station address"
+             }
+         }
+     }
+ }
diff -C5 -N -P -r -x '.*' /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/devs/eth/i386/pc/lancepci/current/ChangeLog ./devs/eth/i386/pc/lancepci/current/ChangeLog
*** /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/devs/eth/i386/pc/lancepci/current/ChangeLog	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
--- ./devs/eth/i386/pc/lancepci/current/ChangeLog	2002-10-24 20:19:36.000000000 +0200
*** 0 ****
--- 1,39 ----
+ 2002-07-17  Iztok Zupet  <>
+ 	* all: Platform specific information to use generic AMD Lance
+ 	PCI driver for the PC platform
+ //===========================================================================
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ // This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
+ //
+ // eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ // Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ // for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ // with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ //
+ // As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
+ // or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
+ // with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
+ // by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
+ // License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
+ // in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
+ //
+ // This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
+ // this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+ //
+ // Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
+ // at
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ //===========================================================================
diff -C5 -N -P -r -x '.*' /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/devs/eth/i386/pc/lancepci/current/include/devs_eth_i386_pc_lancepci.inl ./devs/eth/i386/pc/lancepci/current/include/devs_eth_i386_pc_lancepci.inl
*** /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/devs/eth/i386/pc/lancepci/current/include/devs_eth_i386_pc_lancepci.inl	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
--- ./devs/eth/i386/pc/lancepci/current/include/devs_eth_i386_pc_lancepci.inl	2003-01-29 09:06:41.000000000 +0100
*** 0 ****
--- 1,111 ----
+ //==========================================================================
+ //
+ //      devs/eth/i386/pc/include/devs_eth_i386_pc_lancepci.inl
+ //
+ //      PC Lance PCI ethernet I/O definitions.
+ //
+ //==========================================================================
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ // This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
+ //
+ // eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ // Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ // for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ // with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ //
+ // As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
+ // or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
+ // with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
+ // by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
+ // License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
+ // in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
+ //
+ // This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
+ // this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+ //
+ // Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
+ // at
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ //==========================================================================
+ //
+ // Author(s):   iz
+ // Contributors:
+ // Date:        2002-07-17
+ // Purpose:     PC Lance PCI (VLANCE device in vmWare) ethernet defintions
+ //==========================================================================
+ #include <cyg/hal/hal_intr.h>           // CYGNUM_HAL_INTERRUPT_ETHR
+ #ifdef __WANT_CONFIG
+ #define HAL_PCI_CPU_TO_BUS(__cpu_addr, __bus_addr)   \
+     CYG_MACRO_START                                  \
+     (__bus_addr) = CYGARC_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS(__cpu_addr);   \
+ #endif // __WANT_CONFIG
+ #ifdef __WANT_DEVS
+ static lancepci_priv_data amd_lancepci_eth0_priv_data = {
+     hardwired_esa : true,
+ #else
+     hardwired_esa : false,
+ #endif
+     config_esa : NULL,             // rely on the hardwired address for now
+     rx_ring : NULL,
+     rx_ring_log_cnt : 2,
+     tx_ring : NULL,
+     tx_ring_log_cnt : 2,
+ };
+ ETH_DRV_SC(amd_lancepci_sc,
+            &amd_lancepci_eth0_priv_data, // Driver specific data
+            lancepci_start,
+            lancepci_stop,
+            lancepci_control,
+            lancepci_can_send,
+            lancepci_send,
+            lancepci_recv,
+            lancepci_deliver,     // "pseudoDSR" called from fast net thread
+            lancepci_poll,        // poll function, encapsulates ISR and DSR
+            lancepci_int_vector);
+ NETDEVTAB_ENTRY(lancepci_netdev,
+                 "lancepci_" CYGDAT_DEVS_ETH_I386_PC_LANCEPCI_ETH0_NAME,
+                 amd_lancepci_init,
+                 &amd_lancepci_sc);
+ // These arrays are used for sanity checking of pointers
+ struct lancepci_priv_data *
+ lancepci_priv_array[CYGNUM_DEVS_ETH_AMD_LANCEPCI_DEV_COUNT] = {
+     &amd_lancepci_eth0_priv_data,
+ #endif
+ };
+ #endif // __WANT_DEVS
+ // EOF devs_eth_pc_lancepci.inl
diff -C5 -N -P -r -x '.*' /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/ecos.db ./ecos.db
*** /ecoscvs/orig/ecos/packages/ecos.db	2003-01-27 17:33:05.000000000 +0100
--- ./ecos.db	2003-01-27 18:31:37.000000000 +0100
*** 1146,1155 ****
--- 1146,1163 ----
  	directory	devs/eth/amd/pcnet
  	script		amd_pcnet_eth_drivers.cdl
          description     "Ethernet driver for AMD PCNET controller."
+ 	alias 		{ "AMD Lance PCI ethernet driver" lancepci_eth_driver }
+ 	hardware
+ 	directory	devs/eth/amd/lancepci
+ 	script		amd_lancepci_eth_drivers.cdl
+         description     "Ethernet driver for AMD Lance PCI controller (vmWare)."
+ }
  	alias 		{ "MIPS Malta board ethernet driver" malta_eth_driver }
  	directory	devs/eth/mips/malta
  	script		mips_mips32_malta_eth_drivers.cdl
*** 1360,1369 ****
--- 1368,1386 ----
  	directory	devs/eth/i386/pc/i82544
  	script		i386_pc_i82544_eth_drivers.cdl
          description     "Ethernet driver for standard PC with Intel 82544 Gigabit NIC."
+ 	alias 		{ "Standard PC with AMD Lance PCI device"
+ 			   devs_eth_i386_pc_lancepci pc_ether_lancepci }
+ 	hardware
+ 	directory	devs/eth/i386/pc/lancepci
+ 	script		i386_pc_lancepci_eth_drivers.cdl
+         description     "Ethernet driver for standard PC with AMD Lance NIC (vmWare)."
+ }
  	alias 		{ "MIPS Atlas with onboard SAA9730 ethernet driver"
  			   devs_eth_mips_atlas atlas_eth_driver }
  	directory	devs/eth/mips/atlas
*** 3719,3728 ****
--- 3736,3764 ----
      	    The pc target provides the packages needed to run eCos binaries
              on a standard i386 PC motherboard with an Intel 82543/82544 based
              Gigabit ethernet interface."
+ target pc_vmWare {
+         alias		{ "i386 PC target (vmWare)" }
+ 	packages        { CYGPKG_HAL_I386
+                           CYGPKG_HAL_I386_GENERIC
+                           CYGPKG_HAL_I386_PC
+                           CYGPKG_HAL_I386_PCMB
+                           CYGPKG_IO_SERIAL_GENERIC_16X5X
+ 	                  CYGPKG_IO_SERIAL_I386_PC
+                           CYGPKG_DEVICES_WALLCLOCK_DALLAS_DS12887
+                           CYGPKG_DEVICES_WALLCLOCK_I386_PC
+         }
+         description "
+     	    The pc target provides the packages needed to run eCos binaries
+             on a standard i386 PC under wmWare."
+ }
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Synthetic targets.
  target linux {
          alias		{ "Linux synthetic target" i386linux }
  	packages        { CYGPKG_HAL_SYNTH

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