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Re: Future code ownership

> But we can give them an option: a solution is to allow licence opt-outs, 
> like Red Hat had been able to do by themselves up to earlier this year 
> (but not after personal copyright from the maintainers got added of 
> course). This would set us at a par with commercial OS vendors. But we 
> can't compromise our integrity without a considerable pound of flesh. So 
> we charge. The figures would probably depend per deal, but it could well 
> be in the order of thousands of dollars. Maybe. Don't know. Haven't tried 
> it :-). Unfortunately that money would have to be split with Red Hat, a 
> commercial entity, but as Red Hat's role in eCos diminishes, so too is 
> their leverage. 

A question which is probably out of scope of this discussion:

How do you measure RH role and hence there split of the money?
Proportion of the number of patches per year? Lines of code
contributed per year? Number of files with pure RH copywrite headers?


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