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Re: place thread stack into CCM memory on STM32

Hi Everyone,

STM32 controllers have CCM (Closely Coupled Memory) memory which acts as RAM.

At present I do not use it. But I would like to.

I am developing eCos application in C++. I have something like this in the header file:

  class A :
   A ();
   virtual ~A ();

    cyg_thread    _thread;
char _thread_stack [CYGNUM_HAL_STACK_SIZE_TYPICAL] __attribute__((section(".ccm")));

As you can see, I want to place thread stack into CCM section (using __attribute__((section("<name>"))).

But I do not know how to do it in a correct way. Please help! :-)

The Memory layout file I use has got:

    USER_SECTION (ccm, ccm, 0x10000000, LMA_EQ_VMA)

And cortexm.ld file has got a macro for USER_SECTION:

#define USER_SECTION(_name_, _region_,  _vma_, _lma_) \
    ._name_ _vma_ : _lma_ \
    { __ ## _name_ ## _start = ABSOLUTE (.); \
     *(._name_*) \
    __ ## _name_ ## _end = ABSOLUTE (.); } \
    > _region_

When I compile the project I get an error:
error: section attribute not allowed for '_thread_stack'

Do I specify attribute in the correct place?

Ok, it appears that it is possible to specify __attribute__((section("<name>"))) for class's member methods.

It can also be specified for file level or global level variables and functions.

But unfortunately there is no directive to place the whole class into a specific memory region.

As to working with STM32 I managed to place thread stacks into CCM section (why waist it!) by declaring stack as a file level variable:

static char _thread_stack [CYGNUM_HAL_STACK_SIZE_TYPICAL] CYGBLD_ATTRIB_SECTION(".ccm");

Make sure to specify (NOLOAD) for .ccm section in mlt_ file:
USER_SECTION (ccm, ccm, 0x10000000 (NOLOAD), LMA_EQ_VMA)

Otherwise the binary will be enormous.


My be I cannot do it for class members but only for global variables?

I would appreciate any help on this.



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